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More Great Windows

Monday, December 31, 2007

The Drapery Shop

A red floral Roman shade provides just the right amount of privacy.

The Drapery Shop

Mary of The Drapery Shop turns the smallest scraps
into something pretty

The Drapery Shop

Harvest gold scallop valance with side panels

The Drapery Shop

Pole valance with trim, hung over rod

Shirred drapery panel with trim at bottom and
interior panel

The Drapery Shop

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Mary Owens is the owner of The Drapery Shop. She's located in Manassas, VA.
I love partnering with her on projects.
She's talented beyond belief and brings a perfectionist sensibility to each project.

The Drapery Shop

It's all about using a professional workroom to turn out great window treatments for every room. Many carry fabric and trim books and have samples of their work available for your inspection.

Fabric Selections: Living & Dining Rooms

These fabrics will look great on the windows when the job is completed. Always use a professional installation team to ensure proper hanging and dressing.

(all photography: Red River Interiors)

It's All About Windows

Sunday, December 30, 2007

No Sew Swag
Window treatments are a great way to pull a well designed room together.
They add a finished or dressed
look to any space whether formal or informal.
color, pattern and texture to layer a room and add cohesiveness.

French Country Kitchen
French Country Kitchen
A harvest gold valance and rustic tile back splash
add to
the French Country style of this kitchen.

Orange Earthy Stripes
Orange and earthy stripes
Ah... such a fresh look
against yellow buttery walls

Sheer Swags & Panels
Sheer Swag Panels
Add a romantic touch to a master suite sitting area.

(photography: Red River Interiors)

Merry Christmas to All

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas brings out the best. I love the the use of fruit,cloves and pine cones to
add an organic feel to these settings.... Lots of creativity displayed here!
Until next year may the peace of God be with you this Christmas season.

Psychology of color

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Color is such an important element in our lives. It has been a part of the natural world since the beginning of time, yet we continue to be fascinated by the mysterious nature of this subject. Our personalities can be reflected in our color choices. Warm colors are red, orange, and yellow. These warm colors evoke emotions ranging from feelings of warmth and comfort to feelings of anger and hostility. Cool colors are blue, purple, and green. These colors are often described as calm, but can also call to mind feelings of sadness or indifference.

Lady in the Red Room

Friday, December 14, 2007

"It's not just about the curtains
in the room but how you live in
the room." -Charlotte Moss
Red, black & white...the colors of
my wedding that's why I took
this shot..... memories

Capitol Hill Christmas - Washinton,DC

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Christmas in the city is great, so I roamed
around Capitol Hill taking photos of houses
that put me in the holiday mood...aah... I'm there.

(photography: Red River Interiors)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Lounge chairs

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

click on images for larger view

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

back to sofas - page 1
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