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Where I want to be... Where I am...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Have you ever played that game with yourself... This is where I want to be... This is where I am? Well, if you haven't. I have. I do it all the time. Even when it seems as though the points between the two are insurmountable.
Currently, I'm running that drill through my head as I think about my backyard!! On this issue I, and my DH are in this together. I've committed myself and him to changing the complexion of our smallish townhouse backyard into something that's more than a wish. I'm not ashamed to let my blogger friends know...This is where I am....deer running through my unfenced yard eating the tops off my multicolored
day lilies. I have a beautiful deep purple butterfly bush, day lilies, Shasta daisies and a few other perennials. This is the spring to make sense of this yard and add structure to it....but first, I better add that fence... Take this journey with me as we turn our yard into an extension of our lives. In my minds eye I can see entertaining in a well planned and planted deck and yard. Ok, the challenge is out there to myself... Come back and check out updates as I travel to... where I want to be.

This is Where I Want to Be

images: Traditional Home

This is Where I am

more inspiration

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

: : this is what I want in our living room. one wide shelf off the ground [easy cleaning] stacked with books, paintings, flowers...and rocks. I really like the concrete. that would take one strong wall though. I think I have to go with wood. via .elle decoration blog.
this cheers up a kitchen!
I like the idea of storing stuff in the clear bottles. I'll start buying clear milk bottles from now on just for that. and a friend at work suggested I buy this one wine bottle with a resealable cork, and use for storing grains, rice, pasta etc. via .bloesem.


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

: : I love rocks. so does my Swedish friend .linn. our favorite place to go, is .rockport. where the beaches are covered in soft round rocks. I can't wait to go there this summer, and bring some rocks with me home to keep on our porch and around the house.

Great Chairs

Monday, April 28, 2008

I love chairs... all types of chairs... skirted, slipped, tufted, in leather, cotton, velvet... all kinds of fabrics....florals, stripes, damask, and natural organic cotton. I love a great feminine desk chair....a comfy reading chair with an ottoman... a vintage living room chair. I like the idea of using upholstered chairs at the dining table. When extra seating is needed for the living room just pull chairs from the dining room and enjoy after dinner coffee with family and friends. Check out a few of my favorites...which one captivates you?

Traditional Home (vintage inspired)


Australian Vogue Living



Traditional Home

Cow Boy Chair-Arhaus

color guide

Monday, April 28, 2008

: : I just went through the entire color guide on domino magazine's website. I'm mainly trying to figure out a color for the bedroom. that seems like the most important color to me. the others I can go bold with, but the bedroom I want to have a calmness to, with maybe some color pops here and there.

I, of course, love this orange, especially paired with the beige. I could see something like this in the living room. maybe with a long stark white shelf running along the top edge of the beige. with frames, prints and paintings on top.
I love this really pale green. almost like celery. paired with the white molding. this might be suitable for the bedroom.
I am completely in love with this kelly green color. and so fresh with the stark white contrast. love it!! you guys see my problem yet? I love too many of these colors, I don't know how I will pick. maybe this for the kitchen or dining room.

I also like these two last greens. they might work for the bedroom.

customize your ikea stool

Monday, April 28, 2008

: : found that first picture on the top left on a new blog .ellmania. that .emma. directed me to. if you can see that little stool in the photo, I think it's this ikea stool covered in an oil cloth fabric. I have a green version of that fabric at home. maybe the perfect application for it would be on a stool? maybe suitable for the porch? easy to wipe off.

white matters

Friday, April 25, 2008

: : the 'full contact' spice grinder was love at first sight. we have used it several times for inspiration at work, it speaks harmony, emotions, softness and is such a beautiful relationship between two pieces. since Iz has really been getting into cooking lately, he might see a need for a spice grinder. if so, this will be our choice.

the coink piggy bank is a necessity. coins seem to be falling out of all of Iz's jackets, pants, bags....I believe this is the solution.

buy these at greenergrassdesign

Gone Gardening

Friday, April 25, 2008

Taking today and tomorrow off to work.... especially in the garden. I'll be back Monday... Fay

Washington Post Blog Watch

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Congratulations to all the blogs mentioned in the Washington Post Blog Watch!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008; Page H02

Our picks to click this week:

Over at The Newlywed Diaries ( http://www.newlyweddiaries.blogspot.com), the discovery of a robin's egg in the front yard inspired a posting about vintage egg prints and the color blue. Lots of lovely photos, including one of a light blue-wallpapered hallway adorned with floor-to-ceiling egg prints decorated by local designer David Mitchell.

So Haute ( http://www.sohaute.typepad.com) strikes again with a roundup of favorite eco-friendly finds, including furniture, fabrics, rugs, wallpaper and linens.

In observance of Earth Day, The World According to Jessica Claire ( http://www.jessicaclairesworld.blogspot.com) posts on a versatile trash bin that stores all waste and recycling in one compact container. (It also can double as a kitchen island and be customized with a butcher-block top, a towel bar and chalkboard front.)

bedroom inspiration

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

: : I have always liked oh joy's bedroom. especially that blue pearl color. and I found the lovely pink yumiyumi print via oh joy. I think I would like that one for our bedroom.

Style in India

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

This post is in response to a request. I have a reader who wants to know more about how to bring elements of Indian style into her home. My suggestion to her, if you want to bring bits of this culture into your home, you better not be afraid of color. Some of the most beautiful print fabrics rich in jewel tone colors can be found in India. Although I haven't had the pleasure of visiting India one day I hope to. In lieu of catching the next plane to Mumbai I can shop for imported fabrics from there or utilize my local designer fabric shop for Indian inspired prints.
Drape a bed, table top, or your favorite lounger. Add an abundance of pillows to the lounger or the bed. The look will invoke comfort and romance. Dark wood is also in abundance in furniture and flooring and don't forget to layer the floor with several area rugs. The same colors found in fabrics can be added to walls and accessories to pull it all together. As I always say... make it special, but most of all... make it your own.

Quiet Rooms - Darryl Carter Style

Monday, April 21, 2008

I love a Darryl Carter room. His designs offer one a place to enjoy, "the quite room". In Washington, DC where Mr. Carter's design business is located, the pursuit of power can leave one regularly exhausted, there must be a place to find serenity and solitude. These rooms, mostly in Carter's Virginia country getaway offer such an escape. Upon entering the house the eye and soul can rest in the many shades of white. This home is full of natural light and most other lighting comes from Mr. Carter's collection by Urban Electric Company. Other Darryl Carter projects include his new furniture collection with Thomasville to launch in stores this fall and an upcoming coffee table book, "The New Traditional".

images: Elle Decor

inspiration for our new home

Monday, April 21, 2008

I really like the colors and the simplicity of this kitchen. via sasa antic

a wall of bold wallpaper! the kind of kitchen island that we're looking for. a mix of odd chairs around the table. via emmas
.harry bertoia. knoll chairs. how badly I want one like this one in white. via living etc

Saturday, April 19, 2008

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