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Gold Leafed Italian Jardiniere

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Everyone I think loves a little green , something living ( or not ) in a room.

Do you have something you need to disguise
or you would rather not have to look at in your room ?
Perhaps a corner with wires to hide , ( a house guest, boyfriend, girlfiend )
or something else that is an eyesore ?
That's right, just fill you jardiniere (plant stand) with a lovely plant ,
place it in just the right spot , and then you can forget about it !

As a matter of fact, I am off to fix a little eyesore that I have sitting on my sofa right now.
Have a nice weekend.

Michael Aram - Acessories and Gifts

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

This is a beautiful vase by Michael Aram. It reminds me of a pair of truly unbelievable lamps that I placed in a clients home. They were art nouveau and the texture , shape and color of this vase reminds me of them.

Do you know anyone who is the MOON & STARS to you ?
Try these servers as a gift. It is the Moon & Sun by Michael Aram.

You should take a look at his site, http://www.michaelaram.com/ he has everything from furniture to table service. He does so much with texture, I love it.
You will find things to use in a contemporary as well as traditional environment.
Michael Aram has also designed for Waterford, I know that you can see some of those pieces at Bloomingdale's.

the good life

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

: : it's been a week since we returned from Sweden already. I look at the photos every day wishing I was still sitting on the dock by the sauna with my feet in the water. the two weeks we did spend at home were wonderful! .Iz. spoke Swedish the whole time! He deserves an award. There were family olympic tournaments, croquet championships, water ballet, sailing, kayaking, tennis, golf. And a lot of time spent eating and drinking, enjoying the company of relatives and friends. I will share more photos soon. This past week of work has been very hectic though and I've barely unpacked my suitcase.

I'm hoping for a few more weeks of sunny warm weather here in Boston, summer ain't over yet!

Personalize with Accessories, Take These BABY RATTLES

Monday, August 25, 2008

Personalize with Accessories
When I am working on a clients home, after making sure that all the
Basics are taken care of …..them comes Accessorizing.

The thoughtful part, the time consuming part,
And often the laborious part of design.

The fun part is the actual HUNT, and most times you have to
very carefully get it to the client‘s home in one piece if it is breakable.
Me personally, I don’t like breakable anything but what choice do I have?
If it is RIGHT, it is RIGHT!!

And I have always had great luck when ignoring the shop keepers
who want to wrap it up like a mummy in bubble wrap.
It seems to me it often increases the risk of breaking it just getting
the bubble wrap off that an overly zealous salesman has wrapped with too much tape.

I always have a lot of the big beach towels in my car.
Depending on the Accessory, I may roll up in a towel and place it behind
the front seat of my car on the floor.
It seems to brace it there.
If it is larger I just wedge it to death with all the towels.
You might carry a couple of old pillows in your trunk
when on an Accessory Hunting Expedition.

After all this……it’s always nice if they appreciate how ’brilliant’
the piece is for that particular space.
I was doing A Baby Doctors Home, hence the BABY RATTLES.

I was in Paris and saw these in a shop window and was so intrigued.
What in the world could they be?
They were beautiful.
They were antique baby rattles, and to me they looked like some sort
of jewelry.
They were made of sterling silver and some had ivory as well.
These were referred to as ‘Nanny Rattles’ because
each one would do something different, and the Nanny would use
these ‘Nanny Rattles’ to distract the infant.
Some rattles had whistles, some had quickly moving parts
( the sterling portions of the rattle ) including noise makers.
They were so great.I purchased about 7 and placed them in a bowl.
They were a huge success !
But, most importantly they were very personal and related to the Doctors Profession.

LifeStyle Solutions BG-BRB Set Barbados Modern Coffee Table Set

Saturday, August 23, 2008

LifeStyle Solutions BG-BRB Set Barbados Modern Coffee Table Set
LifeStyle Solutions BG-BRB Set The sleek, modern design of the Barbados Collection lets you lounge in style. All of the Fashion Hardwood Tables offered by Lifestyle Solutions are constructed using plantation hardwoods. Their technologically advanced multi-step finishing process allows them to create endless variations in look and feel, while ensuring the natural beauty of the wood. These artfully designed modern tables are like sculptures for your living room! Features: -Cappuccino finish -Modern design -Solid hardwood About Lifestyle Solutions: In the 13 years that Lifestyle Solutions has been in operation their goal has always been to develop, manufacture and market the highest quality convertible sofa beds available in the marketplace. In order to ensure the achievement of their high standards, they have invested resources and expertise in three critical areas of their operations. Firstly Lifestyle Solutions has placed great emphasis in research and development to certify their products are not only comfortable, but also superior in functionality. Their design and construction patents for the convertible sofa bed have helped revolutionize the ease of usage, longevity of the frames and provide maximum comfort during the sitting and sleeping experience. Their unique cradle converter system has provided increased durability and function with immediate benefit to the user. In addition they are constantly creating new innovative products to accommodate those seeking superior lifestyle solutions for their home. Lifestyle Solutions Responsible Use of Resources Lifestyle Solutions manufacturing process has been certified for compliance with the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) guidelines for sustainable management of tropical forests. All of their products are constructed from plantation-grown imported hardwood to ensure sustainable use of timber.

Soma Modern Square Coffee Table

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Soma Modern Square Coffee Table
This product is created by a team of designers in collaboration with other renowned national and international designers, in order to continuously present versatile solutions, of careful design and smooth, quality finishes, all factors which allow for a touch of exclusivity. Our furniture offers the perfect mix of contemporary style and comfort to provide the perfect look for the modern home. The handcrafted solid hardwood frame makes this a quality piece that will last a lifetime. Imported from Europe. Features: Available in wenge as pictured Hardwood construction Contents: One (1) coffee table Dimensions: 24"W x 24"L x 14"H Approx weight: 77 lb

Wave Desk

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wave Desk
A single plane of molded plywood folds over to form a new kind of working surface: kinetic, multi-facted, yet simple and intimate. Designed with the laptop user in mind, the Wave Desk is compact in size. An elevated surface provides space for your many desktop accessories. We are an Authorized Offi Retailer. We offer FREE FedEx shipping on most products and we dont charge sales tax on any item we sell.

Cresent Dining Table

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Cresent Dining Table
Wood veneer base with clear tempered glass top. Material: Tempered Glass Finish: Wood VeneerThis Item Includes: ZM-406128 Cresent Dining Table 70.5 x 40 x 30.

Arcos Dining Table

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Arcos Dining Table
The Arcos dining table is one that will go with any modern day decor. This contemporary table is one you can proudly show off to your guests. Stained wood veneer frame matched with tempered glass and steel features. It will look great in your dining room. Dimensions (inches): Top: 35.5" W x 59" L x 29" H Steel Attachments: 4" H Foot Print: 25.5" W x 43" L x 25" H

Friday, August 22, 2008

click on images for larger view

Old Red Chinoiserie Tole Bar

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Old Red Chinoiserie Tole Bar

This Adorable Old Red Chinoiserie Tole Bar
is Purrr-fect for a small home or apartment.
I have never seen a little bar like this.
I think for the right spot it would be killer.

It measures 32 H x 30 W x 16.5 D.
How great is that ?
(Make sure to click on foto’s)

First of all, you could use a counter height stool
to sit at or behind the bar.

This little bar could be used as a console
and pulled out when entertaining.
It could be a night stand in a guest room
for a pop of color.
And you would have all this hidden storage
inside it when against the wall.
I really like that idea.
Everyone will ask you " what is that ?”
……Another great conversation piece.

It looks as though it is trimmed out with brass-
AND it’s on casters…and I love anything on casters,
except for ottomans.
They roll away from you when you need them,
but they are a bit better when on thick carpet.

As a matter of fact I just ordered a great big set
of industrial casters for my boyfriend. LOL

You can find this at : http://www.stamfordantiques.com/

Trunks And Gears

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

click on picture to enlarge
If you have a room and you are contemporary, maybe you are a minimalist or mid century modern…whatever.

If the METAL you have in the room is silver, try this spray paint on a newer trunk
( trunk about $ 40.00 instead of $ 2000.00 plus ) that has interesting details,
such as studs or nail heads. The cheap smooth metal trunk for summer campers would work.
And instead of the stand ( which you could have made any height you would like for a couple of hundred dollars ) you could order industrial casters online or you could pick up some vintage casters…maybe even feet.... sofa legs or chair legs.

When you are finished you could have a small custom piece of glass made for the top. Just be careful not to scratch it. Treat it like wood....don't drag something sharp across it.

BUT, guess what ? No Worry....just hit it with more paint.

click to enlarge
Now, regarding the gears….do the same with the gears and lay them out on a table, stack them, use as a paperweight, a big one as a door stop, or put them in a primitive wooden bowl after they are all chrome, shiny and slick.
It just looks HOT.

Paint Info :

Krylon - Premium Metallic. And only this metallic paint from their collection of paints. The colors are as follows: original chrome, copper brilliance, copper foil, guilded brass, gold foil, and 18k gold plate silver foil, and sterling silver.
You can use it on wood, metal, wicker, plastic, ceramic, plastic, glass, plaster, paper and paper mache.

Make sure you have a very smooth surface -

Trust me on this one……this is the best paint to use.
It’s great and it will freak you out how fantastic it looks.
I used it on a wicker basket that I wanted to use as a garbage can, After I sprayed it, it looked like a chrome metal woven basket made to look like wicker.
People were sure that is WAS METAL.

Be Brave...and Be Creative.
You will be glad you did : )

Onyx Chandelier - 1930's

Monday, August 18, 2008

Onyx Chandelier – 1930’s

This is a wonderful piece of 1930’s Design.
Today it as beautiful as it was yesterday.
When I am looking for a piece like this it is so difficult to find.
If you are Deco, especially French Deco
( which to me, is the ONLY DECO ) check this chandelier out.
click on picture to enlarge

The ChalkBoard Wall

Monday, August 18, 2008

You know, I have always wanted to do this ChalkBoard wall thing
mainly because I am just the wacky, ‘Creative’, with
“ideas bouncing around in my head like a pin ball machine” type.

Then I decided that it would work best if I could get someone
to carry it around…maybe on their back for me, or just prop it up
when I needed to remember something, or get back on task,
or write an idea down...whatever.
I don’t have an issue with carrying the chalk around in my purse,
chalk is the size of a lipstick.
And Don’t Even suggest a palm pilot or something like that.
I write BIG,
And am uncomfortable being confined.
I never did like coloring inside the lines in my coloring books.

So, I like this idea and finally, I think I have found the right application for me.
The Chalkboard I am talking about is in the picture # 3 with the
Tall Thin Chalkboard propped against the wall.
I can keep it right in my face when I want it,
or stick it in a closet when I don’t want to look at it,
or get someone to strap it on their back. LOL
Yes, this works for me. click on pictures to enlarge
pictures 2 & 3 are from flicker.com and picture # 1 is from Plaza Magazine

This Gorgeous Yacht Got Me to Thinking……

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Well, It is Sunday ………….I think I should post something luxurious,
sort of a vacation yet still related to design.
This gorgeous yacht got me to thinking, which I do entirely too much of……..
Me personally, I am beyond sensitive when it comes to ‘SETTINGS’
or the atmosphere of a space.Wherever I am ….what I see,
what I hear, the temperature, the smells,and the sounds…all affect me.
I will be comfortable or uncomfortable.
I will stay or I will leave.
This 'HEAD' is worthy of duplicating in a home-
It seems to me that I would want to stay on this yacht all day ….
but if something made me uncomfortable or annoyed me,
I would swan dive right off that BOAT ( notice, now it is just a boat )
and swim to shore or ride ‘FLIPPER’ home.

You know, 'a thing or a person' can look good, look like fun, look like luxury, but it is only when you get into the galley or the bilge of the yacht that you will know the truth of the matter.

I grew up in Miami Beach on Palm Island and I do remember
Opting to swim home on more than one occasion.

Jeanne-Françoise Julie Adélaïde Bernard Récamier

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Jeanne-Françoise Julie Adélaïde Bernard Récamier ( December 4 , 1777 – May 11, 1849 ) was a Frenchwoman who was a leader of the literary and political circles of the early 19th century.
Born in Lyon, France Lyon, and known as Juliette, she was married at fifteen to
Jacques Récamier (d. 1830), a rich banker more than 30 years her senior. At the time, it was said that he was in fact her natural father who married her to make her his heir.
She gave her name to a famous kind of sofa called the récamier after her and her habit to lie in one. And I believe she really could carry it off. She was quite lovely to look at, and reclining in that way must have only added to her attractiveness. She once had a thing with Lucien Bonaparte, as suspicion goes. (Lucien was a younger brother of Joseph and Napoleon Bonaparte )
Juliette Récamier died in 1849 at the age of 71 and was buried in the Cimetiere de Montmartre in the Montmartre Quarter of Paris

To have something like one of these placed in a sitting area of a bedroom or living room would add so much to a room. Even if you were shooting for contemporary, it would be like an accessory. A painting or vintage poster. Now I know that people doing contemporary rooms often buy the vintage posters ( which are great ) and the reason they do that is to give the room some relief, a rest, a break from all the clean lines and plainness that can happen. It really is a piece of history, and remember that a unique appointment in a finished room is all you will ever need for an ice breaker, a conversation maker at a any gathering.
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