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Happy New Year

Friday, December 31, 2010


Just wanted to take this opportunity to wish  all of you a happy, healthy, prosperous new year.  Thank you for reading my blog, following me, and for any comments you left.  In 2011, I hope to bring you more information about decorating, paint colors and staging.  I 'd like to include some field trip stories showcasing some of the places I shop for decorating goodies.  I'll also be featuring  my January trips to America's Mart  in Atlanta, Georgia, and the Real Estate Staging Association conference in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Tonight, my mother, my husband, and I  will be celebrating new year's eve at our community clubhouse.  As I think about all of the wonderful things that happened to me last year, I am reminded of how fortunate and blessed I am.  Recently, I had the pleasure of meeting a wonderful lady who was the pub manager of a local Irish pub. Every time, my mother , husband and I visited this pub to listen to some authentic Irish music, we marvelled at this woman's energy and warmth.  She really made us feel at home and welcomed, even getting out on the floor and dancing an Irish jig with my mom. The last time we frequented this pub, I remember thinking how lucky that establishment was to have such a great employee.  You can imagine how saddened we were  to hear that this beautiful human being was hit by a car on Christmas Day.  Just goes to show you how precious life really is.

Make a resolution to enjoy 2011 by taking some time out of your busy life to spend time with family and friends.  I know lots of times I get so caught up in my business that I forget to call a family member or have lunch with a friend. It's a shame because when I do these things, I feel instantly reenergized. My resolution this year will be to find a better life/work balance - to appreciate life.  What will your resolution be?  How can you improve your quality of life for 2011?

Wishing all of you the best for 2011,


"We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives... not looking for flaws, but for potential." ~ Ellen Goodman

Happy New Year!

Friday, December 31, 2010


This photo of a local turquoise barn that I posted last January was a big hit and, even though it really has nothing to do with decorating, I thought I would end the year with it for those of you who haven't seen it.

I REALLY appreciate all of you taking the time out of your day to check in on my little corner of the blog world, and I'm so looking forward to posting new inspiration and ideas for you in 2011!

I hope you have a wonderful New Years Eve/Day and that the coming year is your best ever...

Without A Hitch

Thursday, December 30, 2010

My 'unofficial' school reunion went as planned.
It was a small group of us, just about 35 or 40.
The Island gang.
Me - 2nd. from the left
This is only a small portion.
It was a lovely event
 held in the most appropriate place imaginable for this gifted group.
Most of the gang learned to sail right here at the above yacht club.
This is where the party was.
It was at night, and it was beautiful.
You could have actually thrown a baseball to the house I grew up in.
We could just glance across the water and see our childhood homes,
where we played as kids.
We all water skied, sailed, and spent out days on this bay.
Beautiful Biscayne Bay.
There is NOTHING like it.
It is what makes Miami & Miami Beach so amazing. 

More girls from The Islands.
starting on the left; Debbie, Missy, Janine
Debbie ....the doll.
In spite of the lovely night that went off 'without a hitch.....'
(thank you lisa and howie)
I woke this morning feeling sad 
and 'out of my stirrups'.
I was once again filled with all the old feelings
 that I would rather not feel.
You know the ones....

But they come 
and they go.
Just as my confidence and sense of security does the same.
It was extremely difficult for me to place names with faces.
I wasn't great at making friends with EVERYONE.
Mainly because I was only close with 2 or 3 girls all through 12yrs -17.
I felt 2 or 3 was plenty. I was a bit moody and private.
My 3  friends are 'mixers' and were comfortable 'mingling.'
I am still no 'mingling freak'
'One on One' is my comfort zone.
My one friend kept saying;
"how can you not remember 'so and so' ?"
"we all walked home from the bus..." or
"don't you remember when we all....?"
I started to think, 
am I senile already?
 was I just in my own world?
....which is much more likely.
 I didn't really feel comfortable in my own skin back then.
My skin today suits me just fine.
I have a whole new set of issues....

I am so proud of the individuals that I grew up with.
They are all 'SOMEBODIES'

Do you like reunions?
Do they leave you feeling off your game??

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG..... Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, TurnKey Interior Design Service,Paint selection, Floor-Plans,Online Interior Design, Sharereunion reunion

Blinds and Shades

Thursday, December 30, 2010

We are now a dealer of Skandia Window Fashions.... Kicking off 2011 with a sale on Wood and Faux Wood Blinds.... We also sell woven shades from The Woven Company.... If you're in NOVA/DC call us for an in home measurement and consultation... We'll consult with you to design beautiful window treatments that complement your living spaces.

SAVE up to 10% on Wood and Faux Wood Blinds

Woven blinds
image: Horizon Blindows

Woven blinds with valance
image: Horizon Blinds

Aluminum blinds
image: The Shade Store

Vinyl mini blinds under beaded sheer
image: Red River Interiors

Woven blinds under custom drapers
image: The Woven Company

Wood blinds - 2" or 3"
image: Skandia Window Fashions
Faux wood blinds
image: Skandia Window Fashions

Kitchen Remodel, By Replacing The Kitchen Table

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Kitchen remodel usually begins designing his kitchen table, well because this kitchen table is an important component in the room the kitchen may be the first step in overhauling a kitchen. to modify the existing kitchen space in our homes we can use the kitchen table is like the picture.

Use the kitchen table like this has many advantages from the economic side of the room, with a cool design, simple, and its size is a bit too small to facilitate us to arrange everything in one set of kitchen table. where items such as stove, sink, plate rack, a place to store kitchen equipment, washing fruits and vegetables, and all to his table all comes together in this kitchen table.

Kitchen table also serves as a dining table because this kitchen table is designed to complement all the jobs in this kitchen. with attractive yield on the kitchen table this side is formed at a table to put food or as a dining table and to the bottom that serves as a place to store all the equipment associated with a kitchen. This is a very brilliant idea to remodel kitchen by replacing the kitchen table.


I could stay in bed....

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

But I must suit up and show up at work....
This is exactly the kind of bed suits my mood today.
Bethany::She actually looks like this,
and dresses like this.
But she stands upright at all or meeting.....promise

My dear sweet client whom we shall call Bethany
is anxiously waiting the installation of her NEW home.
Which will take place part of this week and most of next.
We are all excited.
It is going to be 'HOT".
The colors are granny smith apple green, peacock, and a touch of fushia.
The carpets are wild.

At the end of my day 
I will be driving to Miami Beach to reunite
with the kids I went to elementary school with.
I will be exhausted, but it should give my heart a 'rush!!!'

XXXXX just me
Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG..... Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, TurnKey Interior Design Service,Paint selection, Floor-Plans,Online Interior Design,old friends, Bergamo - Rubelli Fabrics - My Work, Whole House Installations, exausted

Unique Wall Art

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


If you've followed this blog for more than 5 minutes, you're probably aware that I really like numbers and letters in decorating.  Which is why this interesting PEACE arrangement (above) from Lori at the Round Barn Potting Company (a fellow Minnesota blogger - yea, Minnesota! :-)) immediately caught my eye.  I love the way she used different sized letters and put the letters in and outside of the frame.

I also like the creativity in this wall grouping behind her sofa.  Not only do the various items she used make it interesting, but I like the added dimension created by the empty frames over the clocks!

Related Posts:
1. Decorating With Letters and Numbers
2. Decorating With Letters, Words and Numbers

Have a great day!

Carré Kitchen at Eurocucina 2010 in Milan

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

 Carré Kitchen at Eurocucina 2010 in Milan

Are you bored with the rigid style of kitchen minimalist design? That would not be found again here. At Eurocucina 2010 in Milan, Italian kitchen manufacturer Ernestomeda introduced the Carré kitchen that was designed by Marc Sadler. Carré, brand new kitchen bearing the name of Marc Sadler, results from three years of intensive collaboration between companies and designers, producing a new concept in kitchen. The kitchen is equipped with the perfect furnishing elements. Marc Sadler gives many choices of colors with modern furniture. There was a touch of red, white, and modern silver. Every kitchen interior design from Marc Sadler always have a stylish bookshelf. This is the uniqueness of kitchen design from Marc Sadler.

Modern and Stylish Kitchen Interior Design

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

 Modern and Stylish Kitchen Interior Design

You will get an interior design of kitchen with a modern and stylish design when you can have an attractive cabinet design, because the cabinets design greatly affect the kitchens interior. Italian design has always been associated with flair and creativity. Cabinets By Design presents a modern and stylish cabinets for your kitchen. There are several color options, which can be adjusted with other furniture. For example, there is a black cabinet with orange hue, there is also an elegant red. Hope can be your inspiration.

Sweet and Charming Teenage Girls Bedroom Design

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

 Sweet and Charming Teenage Girls Bedroom Design

Children’sr furniture producers Dielle from Italy has many amazing designs for you. You can turn your daughters room with beautiful furniture like the photo above. This latest collection can decorate the room perfectly. Color choice is very varied. Not too many details and has a minimalist style. You can also enhance your child’s room with a decorative wall or desk chair creative. If you want to design a living space truly stylish, elegant and modern for your children, hopefully the picture above can be your inspiration.

Adorable Bathroom Interior Design

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

 Adorable Bathroom Interior Design

Do you like spa? And could you include one person who liked the roses in
the tub baths luxury? Imagine if you normally find in hotels now exist
in your home. Impressive. You will definitely spend much time in the
bathroom of your home if the bathroom is in the luxurious and beautiful
scenery as possible. Be it the intricate ceiling artwork or the
seemingly unreal lighting floor, each one of them has thrown in
something special. Do not forget to put the air freshener that you like
so that when in the bathroom, you’ll be more relaxed.

Indoor/Outdoor Furniture, Lighting & Accessories by Blue Nature

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

To me, there's nothing better than mixing modern design with natural elements. It's like getting the best of both worlds, and I love to see companies that specialize in that sort of thing. I stumbled upon Blue Nature, and I'm lovin the natural elements they use to create their furniture and accessories. In particular, the candle holders, frames made of wood and stone, the forest like partition, and pretty much their whole line of lighting. See more at Blue Nature, it's not one to miss.

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