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French Style Home Accessories

Friday, April 30, 2010

French Style Home Accessories
French style home accessories can brighten your decor. A French look country kitchen can be decorated with cheerful colors and expression. Antiqued cooper, colorful ceramics, aged, sturdy earthenware and decorative metal and iron add French accents to home decorating efforts.

Adding a touch of southern France to your kitchen can be organizational as well as welcoming and stylish. You will want to use accessories for decorating that are as pleasing to the eye as they are useful. Carved wood and old paintings along with vases and dishes to hold vegetables and fruits are a must. A wrought iron pot rack can be softened with floral accents in abundance.

Celebrate functionality in your French style accessories. Have a cutting board handy but make it a rustic well-used one and put it on display. Show off stoneware and canisters as you use them also for decorations. Display unique bottles of cooking wines, spices, vinegars and oils. Don't hide the large ceramic serving platters, bowls, pitchers and colorful ceramic canisters. Instead, display them on the counter where they are ready for use.

French style uses worn iron and metals, aged wood surfaces with rough finishes. You may want to choose wrought iron light fixtures and iron wall decor. In the kitchen, you could use a pot rack above the sink where large pots can be hung to dry.

Rustic urns and Mediterranean pottery along with woven baskets give a home a French style warmth and glow. Use of art and stone along with color will enhance your theme. The use of different shades of red and yellows will wake up a room. Wrought iron and metal are essential French accessories.

The casual magnetism of French furniture is practical. Use accent tables in wood with iron, marble or carved tops. The iron may be scrolled. A table may be planked with a rustic look seating up to twelve people. Here, accents of metal are appropriate. Shades of red add to the accessories for color and warmth while yellow and dark blue are often married.

Draperies and candles are added to the bedroom furnishing to add a romantic touch. Even a masculine bedroom has candles and drapes. There may be iron decor on the walls to keep the masculine feel. The use of wrought iron and other metal will keep it from getting a feminine look. Use layers of woven tapestries to add depth, and use glass to add a touch of refinement.

Wall art is another way to add the look of France. The use of matting and frames will enhance artwork and keep it up-to-date. A wall tapestry can be framed by wrought iron accent pieces. Texture, theme and color is what a tapestry is all about and it will help in the decorating of a room. You can use bold colors or use a soft tapestry to give it a softer look. Your choice of tapestries can set the mood for the room.

Interior Design All On-Line

Friday, April 30, 2010

Interior Design All On-Line
Can it be done? Yes, you can indeed find all the needed design elements for a room make over from on-line resources. The photo on this page shows a round coffee table, side table, accent chair, ottomans an area rug and pillows. Every one of these design elements have been purchased to furnish a client's living room. The pieces are sourced from 5 different on-line vendors, 2 of which are accessible to the professional design trade only.
The most important step in this process doesn't change whether you are buying furniture on-line or from a store in your home town.


When we refer to a design plan, we specifically mean creating a scaled space plan (1/4" =1'-0") for the floor plan, and (1"=1'-0" ) for any elevation views which should be constructed for any focal point or feature walls in a room. The floor plan will identify the placement and sizes for each design element.Careful consideration to the style of each piece and how they visually connect needs to be given. The scale and proportion of the furniture needs to be well matched; each piece to one another, and all pieces to the room proportions.

Enjoy Style and Function With Beautiful Interior Window Shutters

Friday, April 30, 2010

Enjoy Style and Function With Beautiful Interior Window Shutters
Finding the right window treatment can be a challenge. Window shutters may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you're trying to find the right window covering, but they are a wonderful, versatile choice.

Wood window shutters marry form and function in your home. They let you let light in or keep it out as needed and they look great doing it! Available in a number of styles, colors and materials, there's sure to be a shutter to suit your tastes. Design professionals can inform you of what options are out there and can work with you to find the best choice for your space.

On a practical level, interior window shutters or plantation shutters are a great choice. Because you can adjust the angle of the slats any time you want, you have complete control over how much light comes into a given room. If you want full light you can open the shutters altogether. If you want total privacy you can shut the slats completely. It's up to you! Because of its presence and thickness, an interior shutter also provides superior insulation, so your home maintains a consistent temperature without using as much energy for heating and cooling.

In terms of look and style, there are a range of shutters out there. You might want the old fashioned look offered by a plantation shutter or you might have an unusually shaped accent window that needs a custom-designed shutter. Whatever your needs, an interior design professional will be able to help find what's best for you and for your home. Most window shutter companies also offer products in both natural wood or a wood/polymer composite. This means that you can order shutters in a number of colors and looks and that there are shutter options for a range of budgets.

Interior or plantation shutters provide a unique, finished, streamlined look for your home. In addition to their functionality, the timeless elegance of their overall design matched with your specific style in terms of shape and color make interior shutters an excellent and versatile choice for any room in your house.

Scandinavian web shops

Friday, April 30, 2010

: : these are currently my two favorite Swedish/Scandinavian web shops, offering a wide array of products from the best of Scandinavian design .

.Swedishness. I came across just recently, I love the layout of their shop that allows you to browse products without having to navigate through categories necessarily. It's a much more visual way of navigating. And I appreciate their selection of very unique and recent Scandinavian design products. They carry several items that I have been looking for for a long time.

.Huset. has a great collection of everything from housewares to clothing. I particularly like their coffee& tea category since I've started collecting coffee and tea cups in Swedish vintage patterns.

Happy Friday!

Weekend Project - Paint Your Porch Ceiling

Friday, April 30, 2010


Country Living photo credit: Steven Randazzo

You've probably noticed that painting interior ceilings is definitely "in" right now, but have you ever thought of painting your porch ceiling?

Not that you really need me to find projects to keep you busy on the weekend but just in case you have nothing on the schedule (does that ever happen?), this is definitely worth considering, don't you think? :-)

It really doesn't matter if it's your front porch...

Coastal Living Photo Elizabeth Glasgow

Country Living photo credit: Lucas Allen

or your back porch...

Coastal Living Photo Deborah Whitlaw Llewellyn

or sunporch...

House Beautiful Photo Simon Upton

Southern Accents Photo Tria Giovan

or patio...

Southern Accents Photo Tria Giovan

And even though blue seems to be the favorite color of porch ceiling painters, you could definitely do black...

Southern Accents Photo Pieter Estersohn

or green (or any other color that suits your fancy) Country Living Photo Laura Moss

Have a great weekend!


Friday, April 30, 2010

La casa económica QubicHouse “Concept” tiene la forma de un cubo 6x6x6 metros y un total de 72 m2 útiles. Nace con un concepto de vivienda moderna y minimalista.  Es una vivienda “low cost” que nos ofrece el diseño más exclusivo a un precio inigualable, 69.900€. Y todo en un tiempo récord de construcción: En tan sólo 30 días.
Esta vivienda tiene muchas combinaciones posibles que permite este


Friday, April 30, 2010


Muestra de aticos autenticos y muy interesantes, originales en su composicion, aprovechados en su maxima expresion.

Los aticos son espacios sumamente aprovechables a la hora de diseñar espacios en la vivienda, un sitio que en algunos paises de Mundo no suelen aprovecharse como espacios funcionales principales de una vivienda.



Friday, April 30, 2010

Minimalist garden design

How minimalist design for the home garden?
Park home owners increasingly become the status symbol. Mix & match style house with a garden can produce a unique look and increasingly reflects the owner.

At present, the park houses not only as a mere supplement, but it's getting just as important as architecture and interiors. Even for some people has become a symbol of prestige. The better someone's home garden arrangement, reflecting the social class of owners.

Park in your house. Same personal with home design. It is expected that the design reflects not only personal but also supports the home owner activity and the needs of residents of the space. From the head of the family, wife to the kids.

For example, one of the lifestyle trend now is to hold a garden party with a barbeque in the evening or late afternoon. Of course, we will gladly run this program when we garden with good design, especially at night.

If we have children who are active. Obviously need a roomy place to play. Garden elements such as swings and play ground equipment that other children can we match the garden design.

Certainly many aspects that must be taken into account in designing the park. Although we do get help from the landscaper, still we must pay attention to the important aspects in the design of the park, namely: expansion of existing parks, activities shall be accommodated in the park, the harmony of gardens with buildings.

Like architecture, garden design known in a variety of gardens. What is the type of garden? There are various types of parks are generally known. Distinguished by the cultural background and geographical origin of the development of the park. Differences in composition and animating characters that used the park.

There are so many types of garden that a traditional cultural background and geographical. There's Japanese garden, china garden, garden french, American, English, tropical Bali, a tropical Thailand and Japan, there is a growing garden suitable times, such as garden modern, minimalist and dry garden. Each type reflects a strong character and have different effects lover.

That one architectural style developed today are minimalist. This style emerged after World War II. Nowhere on Those days lots of people's houses destroyed by the war so That the government make a home in modular form (Standard and Poor 'in Aceh now), WHO is easy and cheap workmanship but still with the design well. Key features of this building is a simple form, without ornament and emphasis on function space.

Simple and without ornament is suitable to the spirit and lifestyle during this period. Simple and emphasis on function. Unfortunately in Indonesia, this minimalist style so expensive because it is not made of modules that are available and must be custom made.

Distinctive minimalist building is at least ornament and color who tend to be styled 'industry' is a white, gray and black.

Houses do not have minimalism minimalist garden as well. Mix & match (solid-match) of the various garden-style residential homes can make you look more stylish.

Our Tage Sale - Today & Tomorrow!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Our huge TAG SALE is today April 30th from 3pm - 7 pm and Saturday May 1st from 7 am - 12 pm. I ran out of time to take more pictures but here are some of the other items that will be for sale:

- Corner Armoire, painted black
- 2 chair & a half's with twin sleepers - covered in periwinkle blue slipcovers
- 4 green farmhouse style chairs w/rush seating from Italy
- overstuffed upholstered chair (think 80's but super comfortable, great for rec room or family room)
- ottoman
- suede upholstered chair
- blonde maple desk from Hold Everything (went out of a business few years ago)
- silk dupioni drapes (yellow green in color)
- lots of framed artwork - some oversized
- and so much more. You can go this post to see more pics.

To all the bloggers who left comments that you may be coming - thanks! Sorry that I didn't get back to everyone personally. Definitely ask for me when you come to the sale - would love to meet you.

Our Tage Sale - Today & Tomorrow!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Our huge TAG SALE is today April 30th from 3pm - 7 pm and Saturday May 1st from 7 am - 12 pm. I ran out of time to take more pictures but here are some of the other items that will be for sale:

- Corner Armoire, painted black
- 2 chair & a half's with twin sleepers - covered in periwinkle blue slipcovers
- 4 green farmhouse style chairs w/rush seating from Italy
- overstuffed upholstered chair (think 80's but super comfortable, great for rec room or family room)
- ottoman
- suede upholstered chair
- blonde maple desk from Hold Everything (went out of a business few years ago)
- silk dupioni drapes (yellow green in color)
- lots of framed artwork - some oversized
- and so much more. You can go this post to see more pics.

To all the bloggers who left comments that you may be coming - thanks! Sorry that I didn't get back to everyone personally. Definitely ask for me when you come to the sale - would love to meet you.

Cocinas modernas de concreto Steininger

Friday, April 30, 2010

La cocina es de concreto del diseñador: Martín Steininger. La cocina es de cemento pulido muy elegante hecha de 8mm de espesor ultra fino que Steininger le da un estilo y un carácter industrial propio. Tenga en cuenta, para aquellos que no están familiarizados con este material, el hormigón adecuado para su uso en la cocina es resistente al calor y es totalmente higiénico. Por lo tanto, puede estar usted estar dispuesto a cambiar su cocina convencional por este modelo de hormigón.

Fuente: Le blog Deco

Interior Design

Friday, April 30, 2010

Interior DesignAny home can be pleasing with the proper application of basic interior design methods. Some people study interior design to be very good at it but there are people who are gifted with an eye for beauty and for interior designing.

A person who is creative can do some interior designing on his own even without formal training. Those who have an eye for what is aesthetic can just as easily decorate and design his own house depending on his tastes. Of course, it helps to read books and articles about designing to be updated on the basic and latest design methods.

Any interior designer can create a specific atmosphere just by putting together several pieces and unifying them in a single theme. There are interior designers who have a bias for certain motifs like eclectic, modern or even country style. Some go for simple designs without the clutter.

Interior design is not only aesthetic but also functional depending on the requirements of the client. An interior designer can make a small room spacious and an otherwise cluttered room into an orderly one. Interior design is used just about anywhere from homes, offices to commercial buildings.

Interior Design

The interiors of a room should always match the personality of the person who will occupy that room. This is the reason why designers always work closely with their clients so they can make sure that they get a feel of what their clients want in terms of design style.

People have this notion that interior design is expensive. However, designers are not only creative people but they are also very good in budgeting. Most designers will work on a design that will match or fit the budget of their clients. A person can allot a minimal amount for the interior design of his home or office and still come up with an aesthetic and functional room.

Professional interior designers who are formally trained usually have basic knowledge on architecture, engineering and even accounting. They need these courses to make their design aesthetic, structurally correct and cost effective.

Interior Design

The terms Interior design and interior decorating have often been used interchangeably. However, the two terms actually deal with different phases of making a room or a space aesthetic. Interior design is basically the process of studying the personality of the occupant of the room being designed in order to maximize and tailor-made the room's design for that person's behavior and personality.

Interior decorating on the other hand is the process of actually mixing and matching the different design techniques like window treatments, the right wallpaper, wall finish and even the furnishing of a room.

Busnelli Bohemien Sofa Design Ideas for 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Busnelli Bohemien Sofa Design Ideas for 2010

When the contemporary meets the traditional, it always sparks up flames and the 2010 Bohemien Sofa from brand Busnelli is a prime example. Finished and designed by Italian architect Castello Lagravinese, the Bohemien Sofa is a neat example of modern interpretation of traditional styles. These sofas crave for the high gloss white floors and lavish chandeliers and if you get the combination right, you are in for a luxurious living room that will leave the guests mesmerized. The advantage with this Bohemien Sofa is that it is good enough to fit into a contemporary dwelling or even a traditional ones and the design touches upon both traits equally.

Busnelli Bohemien Sofa Design Ideas for 2010

Does Feng Shui Relate to Home Staging and Redesign ?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

As promised in my last post, I thought I’d continue on the subject of Feng Shui since this seems to be a topic that readers find interesting. Some of the Feng Shui principles carry over into redesign and staging. We’ll examine a few of these today.
Pictured here is my front door – freshly painted – I even cleaned the windows! Staging tip – if you are going to paint your front door, use a gloss or high gloss paint to really accentuate it. Buyers will always remember the house with the beautiful front door.

According to the book I’ve been reading 10-Minute Feng Shui by Skye Alexander, “Present an image of harmony and hospitality to your visitors by hanging a circular wreath on your entry door. Change the wreath each season to connect the occupants of your home with the seasons and the cycles of the year.” I always have a wreath on my front door usually circular in shape.  In my opinion, it gives a cheery welcome to my  visitors. I always include a wreath on the front door of a home I'm staging since I'm trying to extend that feeling of harmony and hospitality to a potential buyer. 

Decor Pad

Another excerpt from this book states, “..to strengthen symbolically the bonds among members of your household, place a large area rug in your living room. Make sure all seating pieces in this room touch or rest on the rug. The rug serves as a unifying element, tying all of the individual furnishings together. This decorating technique also enhances connections with friends and neighbors and can improve your social life in general.” I remember this tip from my redesign classes -  when using an area rug, make sure that at least the front two legs of the sofa as well as the chairs are resting on the rug.

Decor Pad

In staging and redesign, good traffic flow in a room is of the utmost importance. In her book, Skye Alexander writes,“ Keep walkways through your living room free of clutter and obstacles. Chi (energy) moves around your home much the same way you do. If the passageways through your living room are obstructed by furniture or clutter, chi will have a hard time circulating. The blocked energy can adversely affect relationships with family members or friends. "

Decor Pad

Here is an interesting tip from this Feng Shui book, “For your living room, choose artwork that depicts people. An empty landscape isn’t the best choice for your living room. Make sure there are people in the pictures you display in the social areas of your home – otherwise, you’re sending a message that you prefer a solitary existence.” Look around your home. I’ll bet that most of us don’t have artwork depicting people, do we? Would love to hear your comments on this. In home staging, I think it would be a nice touch to have an occasional “people-depicted” artwork to add interest.

Decor Pad

“If you’d like to attract intelligent, literary companions or emphasize learning and communication among family members, place a bookcase in your living room.” I’d love to have a built-in bookcase and they are quite in vogue right now. However, a regular bookcase also serves the purpose. Notice how these books are arranged on the shelves horizontally instead of vertically. This is a nice touch since the bookcase has many vertical lines. When staging or redesigning bookshelves, we like to include decorating accessories and greenery sporadically throughout the display of books. Bookshelves are also a great place to capture your accent colors with your decorative accents. When stacking books vertically, start with the tallest book on the outside and graduate inwards to the smallest. Likewise, the horizontally placed books should start with the largest on the bottom and graduate up to the smallest.

I hope you have enjoyed these two posts on Feng Shui.  I find this concept very interesting and am amazed at how many times it echoes itself in elements of home staging and redesign which also stress harmony and balance.

~"Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful."  William Morris

Design Interior

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Design InteriorAs an interior designer, you must stay on top of all the modern trends. Once you leave school, you will need to do this on your own. Modern interior design can be fun and quite expensive. Interior Designers know the tips and tricks to keep expenses down without compromising the quality and creativity of the design.

Interior Designers know the best places to buy furniture, window treatments, blinds and artwork to compliment modern interior design. They also know the where to get the best accessories, nicest plants plus flooring and anything else needed. Many of these resources are obtained online.
Interior Designers have access to the latest design software so that they can plan virtual designs and layouts of your living spaces. If you are planning to do your own modern interior design then there are plenty of resources available to you on the internet. There are many articles on the subject, which can easily be found using your favorite search engine. Your local library may carry the latest books on do it yourself interior design.

If you are planning to do your own modern interior design then you have to have a plan just like the professionals. You need to know what you have to purchase, how much it will cost and where you can actually find it. There is a lot of planning involved and you do not want to get started only to realize there is no way you can finish because you have run out of money.

Professional Interior Designers use the latest interior design software to plan a virtual design. This software can be very expensive for the average do-it-yourselfer. However, some relatively inexpensive programs will the same thing just not without all the bells and whistles.

Some tips offered by Professional Interior Designers for modern interior design include having from three to five sources of light in a room. Besides your general lighting, a room needs decorative and accent lighting. Lighting adds mood and atmosphere to a room.

Design Interior
Design Interior
Design Interior

Baby Room Decorations - How to Decorate Baby Rooms

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Decorating a baby's nursery allowance is a actual fun and active time in a parent's life. The nursery is area memories are fabricated and treasured. You appetite to body a allowance that offers amore and adulation to the little one that you accept aloof brought into this world. There are so abounding altered means you can adorn a babyish nursery allowance and in this commodity I am activity to accord you some tips on some abundant babyish allowance decorations.

Growth Charts

Growth archive are an accomplished way to adorn the nursery. They are accessible in assorted styles and colors to bout your accepted décor. Not alone does it accomplish a abundant accession to the baby's allowance but it will additionally accommodate you with a emblem assuming how they accept developed over the years.

Lighting Fixtures

Another decorating tip is to acquisition a lighting accoutrement that matches your babyish allowance decorations. Lamps are a abundant way to action some abatement ablaze which is not as blinding and ablaze as aerial lights and beam fans. This is actual accessible during night feedings. Add a analogous lamp appearance and you are set. If you accept a agitation armchair in your nursery try abacus a babyish table abutting to the armchair and abode the lamp on this table.

Wooden letters

Wooden belletrist are a actual accepted way to adorn a babyish nursery room. Decorative bank belletrist appear in abounding altered sizes and styles. You can use the belletrist to spell out your child's name or you can spell words such as "Princess". If you are actual adroit you can buy unpainted belletrist and acrylic them to bout your babyish allowance decorations perfectly. There are amaranthine means to acrylic the letters: solids, stripes or patterns analogous your bedding.


Thursday, April 29, 2010


En el mercado existen cantidad de accesorios rusticos con aire marino para poder componer interiores en este estilo.

Estos interiores con accesorios son muy comunes en los pueblos de costa europeos sobre todo en Bretaña, Normandia y la Costa Azul francesa, asi como los pueblos marinos de Gran Bretaña.

Desde alli se transladan a America y se ubican principalmente en las casas de playa de Nueva Inglaterra y el Caribe Europeo.

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