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Elegante sofá que se convierte en litera

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Elegante  mueble para ahorrar espacio  Este sofá  de la compañía italiana CLEI Doc. XL se  transforma en litera con estilo!

vídeo impresionante hecha por Core77 donde el personal de Recursos demuestra CLEI en acción:

Ropa de cama mexicana

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Usted puede escoger el color y el diseño que mas le gusta en Colchas mexicanas Suzani

Hermosa lámpara con malla de acero Fluo

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Fluo - Creado por: Arturo Álvarez

Lampara de malla de Acero con cable transparente. Ganadora del Premio al Buen Diseño 2009.
Mayor información: resourcefurniture.com

Lámparas Betty para su hogar o establecimiento comercial

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tener una casa decorada con piezas fuera de lo común causa muy buena impresión., ahora presentamos lámparas Betty  de polipropileno en blanco o negro con una base de acero inoxidable diseñadas por Arturo Alvares. Las lamparas de mesa, lámparas de pie o de techo, todas con un modelo exlusivo darán muy buena impresión en su hogar o establecimiento comercial. Mayor información en Resource Furniture

I don't know about you.....

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

But, I am absolutely IN LOVE with 
the black door and trim in this room!!!
It is dramatic and elegant.
I want to do it.
And do it soon.

Your thoughts?

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG..... Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, TurnKey Interior Design Service,Paint selection, Floor-Plans,Online Interior Design, Design Center of The Americas, D.C.O.T.A., black molding , black trim and black door, black molding


Tuesday, August 31, 2010


El estilo rustico americano tradicional esta imbuido de las tradiciones y mistica de los antiguos colonos, establecidos en poblaciones lejanas, pero que guardan relacion con un tipo de diseño, que como define el arquitecto norteamericano Downing, esta lleno de libertad.

Asi es que tienen espacios amplios, compartimentados en un mismo ambiente, plurifuncionales, y son extremadamente abiertas al exterior.

Por supuesto tiene una base de diseño ingles pero mucho mas abierto, techos mas altos y mucho mas extrovertidas, ademas de mas espaciosas, y alejadas de la caracteristica conservadora de la economia de espacios  inglesa.

El estilo rustico americano tradicional esta referido a la arquitectura de la Costa Este, Virginia, Pensilvania y menos a Nueva Inglaterra o los Adirondacks.



Monday, August 30, 2010


Si hay un rustico organico y natural, ese es el estilo que se desarrolla con mucha fuerza en Zambia.

La utilizacion de raices de arbol, con formas caprichosas, rebuscadas y ondulantes, como los muros con la mismas formas en argamasas de tierras y fibras naturales son lo mas caracteristico.

Todo en este rustico tiene formas ondulantes, bolseadas y antisimetricas. La organicidad es la base de todos los diseños. Hasta las cubiertas tienen formas caprichosas.

Nada mas cerca de la naturaleza que este rustico.



Monday, August 30, 2010


La esencia del estilo rustico es su continua absorcion del mundo circundante, el rustico es un estilo vivo.

A pesar de la absorcion de todas las tradiciones de este entorno, se permite y desde ya no existe razon para que las nuevas piezas y lineas simples con materiales naturales no puedan emplearse para amueblar en estilos rusticos actuales.

El new mexican style utiliza estas combinaciones, con grandes ventanales actuales, permiten  las grandes entradas de luz, las vigas de madera desbastada por ejemplo, forman un buen contrapunto textural con los accesorios mas actuales.

Otras veces los grandes tapices logran ese contrapunto, en combinacion con los muros y pisos o los artefactos de luz mas contemporaneos.


The Pizzazz of Granite Countertops!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Beautiful New Granite Countertops - An Extended Breakfast Bar with Decorative Corbels

I recently had the pleasure of helping my neighbors, Jim and Carolyn, select granite countertops for their lovely home here in Jacksonville, Florida. They were tired of the neutral-colored Corian they currently had and wanted something with pizzazz in their kitchen which would hold up to daily use.

They had done their research and learned that granite is affordable, is available in hundreds of colors, does not harbor bacteria, is hard to scratch, and is resistant to burn marks from hot objects. 

Old Corian Countertops

Another Look at the Former Corian Countertops

Off we went to my local granite supplier. Carolyn and Jim were amazed at all of the choices in the showroom. However, they were fortunate to find two beautiful related slabs of Mascarello granite with lots of yellow color and mica (shiny silver minerals) in them in the warehouse section. Jim at first was hesitant but Carolyn knew right away that she loved them.

The couple wanted to extend their breakfast bar and have the granite installed almost up to their electrical outlets.  They wanted a rounded edge.  Their installer did a beautiful job complying with their wishes and even included a much nicer stainless steel sink.  Upon completion of the installation, he sealed the granite to preserve the color and clarity of the stone.  Carolyn and Jim will need to repeat this process once a year and have been instructed to clean their granite with mild soap and water and to immediately wipe up any spills because granite can stain.

A Beautiful Piece of Mascarello Granite

Why is granite so strong and colorful?  Why is each slab so unique? Granite is a natural stone product that was formed as a result of the Earth cooling during its early stages of formation. It is one of the hardest types of rock and is crystalline in nature. Crystalline grains fit together very tightly forming granite. Granite is composed of different minerals but quartz and feldspar are always components. These substances were pressed together over millions of years under immense pressure. The quartz and feldspar are the lighter colors, the whites and pinks that we see when we look at a piece of granite. The darker colors are produced by a variety of other minerals such as black mica or amphibole.

Beautiful Veins of Color in this Granite and a New Stainless Steel Sink Included
Granite, composed of larger crystals, was formed nearer to the Earth’s core where it cooled more slowly. This granite is usually lighter in color. Granite which was formed closer to the surface of the Earth cooled more quickly and consequently is usually a much darker color and a much stronger stone. The regions where granite is predominantly found are Brazil, China, India, Saudi Arabia, Italy, and the Scandinavian countries.

Granite is Installed Almost up to the Electrical Outlets

Now that you know the "scoop" on granite, give me a call  at 904-553-0366 to learn about incorporating this beautiful product in your kitchen or bathroom.  There are also many other countertop options available.

Resources - "How Granite is Formed" by April Starr at http://www.helium.com/ and http://www.-natural-stone-interiors.com/

Capella Kincheloe - formerly of Michael Smith Inc.

Monday, August 30, 2010

My friend Anne dropped by today with magazine treats, including the Sep issue of Atlanta Homes. In the What's Hot Now! section I noticed that Capella Kincheloe, formerly with Michael Smith Inc., had relocated to Atlanta and opened her own firm. In addition to traditional design services, Capella offers IDESIGN. This beautiful, restful bedroom was an IDESIGN project and if you check out the before pictures you'll see it's a complete transformation. Love the wall color, the taupe shades and the unique fabric on the bolster.
Just noticed the carpet at the foot of the bed that pulls in all the colors.
All three of these rooms feature an abstract painting that amps up the sophistication factor. The abstract in the room above is by Atlanta artist Tina Steele Lindsey. Notice how Capella propped the painting below in front of a traditional gilt frame.
Capella also writes a blog - A Curated Lifestyle. For more images of her work go here. If you're in Atlanta Nov. 27 - Dec. 12 you'll be able to see more of her work as she was selected as one of the designers for the 2010 Atlanta Homes & Lifestyle Christmas House.
(all images via Capella Kincheloe Interior Design)

Capella Kincheloe - formerly of Michael Smith Inc.

Monday, August 30, 2010

My friend Anne dropped by today with magazine treats, including the Sep issue of Atlanta Homes. In the What's Hot Now! section I noticed that Capella Kincheloe, formerly with Michael Smith Inc., had relocated to Atlanta and opened her own firm. In addition to traditional design services, Capella offers IDESIGN. This beautiful, restful bedroom was an IDESIGN project and if you check out the before pictures you'll see it's a complete transformation. Love the wall color, the taupe shades and the unique fabric on the bolster.
Just noticed the carpet at the foot of the bed that pulls in all the colors.
All three of these rooms feature an abstract painting that amps up the sophistication factor. The abstract in the room above is by Atlanta artist Tina Steele Lindsey. Notice how Capella propped the painting below in front of a traditional gilt frame.
Capella also writes a blog - A Curated Lifestyle. For more images of her work go here. If you're in Atlanta Nov. 27 - Dec. 12 you'll be able to see more of her work as she was selected as one of the designers for the 2010 Atlanta Homes & Lifestyle Christmas House.
(all images via Capella Kincheloe Interior Design)

The India Connection

Monday, August 30, 2010

I had all but given up hope
on the design job in India.
But....I just heard from the India Connection
and things are moving along.
They have finally received
the financing that they needed to start the project.

And as far as my posting goes...
I will be back on track this week.
My regular schedule will resume
and I will be able to get back to posting.

I am recovering from retail burn-out.

big hugs,
renee             XXXX's

image credit: www. indiafolder.com

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG..... Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, TurnKey Interior Design Service,Paint selection, Floor-Plans,Online Interior Design, Design Center of The Americas, D.C.O.T.A.,the india connection

Interior Design Paint

Monday, August 30, 2010

Interior Design Paint
Interior Design Paint
Interior Design Paint
Interior Design Paint
Interior Design Paint
Interior Design Paint
Interior Design Paint
Interior Design Paint
Interior Design Paint

If you have been living in your home for years and have decided that it is time for an interior design update, planning a custom home or have just moved into a new builder home, you might have decided that personalizing the space with new paint colors is in order. Paint can be difficult to select and there are some things to consider before you begin to implement your new interior design.


Sunday, August 29, 2010


Desde las cabeceras de hierro forjado, las de cuero rustico, a  las de madera comunes y las mas tradicionales, todas pueden servir a la hora de componer dormitorios rusticos con estilo.

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