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Cultivate What Your Critics Don't Like

Monday, January 31, 2011

Listen carefully to first criticisms of your work. 
Note just what it is about your work that critics don't like - 

then cultivate it!!

That's the part of your work that's individual and worth keeping.
Jean Cocteau

Can you think of  better advice for a creative individual?

It takes great courage and confidence of steel to follow through with this advice.
But...think about anyone who is famous probably did (without knowing it), 
or never heard or listened to the critics.
They are unique. No?

I   " 5  fingered "   this quote from Yvette @ In So Many Words

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG..... Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, TurnKey Interior Design Service,Paint selection, Floor-Plans,Online Interior Design, Cultivate What Your Critics Don't Like

Modern Bed, Design Zip Bed From Florida

Monday, January 31, 2011

Modern Bed, Design Zip Bed From Florida is a bed design is very modern. This is one product from a company called Italia Furniture from any part of the U.S. state Florida. Well it is in production beds in Florida and marketed throughout the world. This is the perfect bed design and very modern at all and has many advantages in terms of economical and practical.

This modern bed is designed with zippers on the main section to bed. framework of this modern bed is also made of very soft material and feels very soft. indeed the ingredients to make this modern bed is not a haphazard material.

Convenience of this modern bed is when we wake up we do not bother to tidy it up, like most other beds. well because the bed was dizzy in rancar resliting for easy and practical way. we just pulled his zipper to tidy it up again. and zipper lid also serves as a blanket directly, without using a separate sheet

For those of you who like a modern type bed may Modern Bed, Design Zip Bed From Florida like this very cock for you. Modern Bed, Design Zip Bed From Florida It also comes with a variant of blue, gray, and red that might fit with the design of your bedroom.

Room Divider and Fabric Outlets

Monday, January 31, 2011

BHG Storage Fall/Winter 2010 Photo Emily Minton-Redfield
When I saw this flat panel TV stands/room divider in a BHG special interest magazine, I thought it was such a clever and functional idea! It divides the space without blocking the view and creates another "wall" for the TV where there previously wasn't one.  I don't know what is on the other side of the TV stand, but I think it would be a great idea to hang artwork on it to create more interest.

What do you think? Good idea, right?


midwest living
On to fabric outlets. I went this weekend and was reminded of what I love and don't love about them.

First of all, DO NOT go on the weekend. There were so many people it was very hard to even get around. The fabric bolts were pushed all over the place, sometimes blocking the aisles, and the poor people trying to keep them straightened could not keep up. Slightly chaotic.

What I like.
SO much fabric. I love fabric and I love that there's so much of it. So many possibilities and, in a way, I like the challenge of finding the gem among all of the not-so-much gems.

The prices! You can find some really great fabric (if you look hard) for next to nothing compared to retail prices.

What I don't like.
SO much fabric. :-) It's hard to sort through and it's all on the bolt right side in so it's very hard to see. It takes a LOT of work to dig through and find something you can use.
You can cut samples, but there's no guarantee that the same fabric will actually be there when you go back.

Do you shop at fabric outlets? Like them? Any tips?


Thanks to all of you who linked up to the Paint Series Linky Party! I'll be highlighting some favorites later this week.

- A Unique Room Divider
- DIY Entryway
- Clever Curtaining and Other Great Design Ideas
- Laminated Fabrics
- Design Your Own Fabrics
- Fabric Sources - Expand Your Options

Staging a Home to Attract Mr. and Mrs. Buyer

Sunday, January 30, 2011

10519 Kenwell Glen Court, Jacksonville, Florida 32256

I received a call from a new business acquaintance of mine to help her stage her mother’s home. Her mom had passed away  and she felt she was too close to the situation to stage it herself. Didn’t feel she could be objective enough. Many times the closer you are personally to the property for sale, the harder it is to emotionally disconnect from it. That’s why hiring a home stager makes “cents”!

Kitchen Breakfast Bar Before

Breakfast Bar After

A Closer Look  at the Breakfast Bar 

A Wine Vignette Above the Kitchen Cabinets
The property for sale was a 1900 square foot ranch situated nicely on a corner of a cul de sac with a beautiful water view in the back. Upon entering the vacant home, I could see the cozy potential it had. My goal was to create a setting that would help some eager buyer emotionally connect with  it. The owner and I discussed staging the kitchen, dining room, living room, master bedroom and bath, guest bath and another bedroom.

Living Room - Before

Living Room - After

 When staging, my mind is reviewing my existing inventory for pieces of furniture and accessories that would fit the color scheme, mood, and theme I’m trying to create. I decided on a red and gold color palette for most of this home. In the master bedroom and bath, I developed my color scheme and mood from two framed floral prints the seller had. This color scheme was cream, green and pink. In the guest bath, I did a beachy theme in aquas and tans.

Master Tub- Before

Master Tub - After

Master Bedroom - Before

Master Bedroom - After

Corner and Plant Shelf in Master Bedroom - Before

Highboy Fills the Corner and Greenery Brings the Eye Upward to Appreciate the Plant Shelf - Master Bedroom- After 

Reading Corner - Master Bedroom - Before

Reading Corner - Master Bedroom - After

Guest Bedroom/ Home Office Before

Ready for Business in the "After" Home Office

Another "After" View of the Home Office

Dining Room Before

Creating an Ambient Mood in the " After"  Dining Room

A Cake and Champagne for the New Buyers!

As I was staging, I had to be mindful of rhythming the accent colors throughout the adjoining rooms to unify the décor. If I used red on the fireplace mantel, I wanted to repeat that red throughout the room. Since the kitchen and living room were open to each other, I carried the red and gold into that area also. As you can tell, staging takes a lot of concentration – you have to remember a lot of little details that will make it all come together in the end.

Back Wall of the Living Room - Before

Back Wall of the Living Room - After

Another View of the Living Room - After

Every time I stage a property, I wrestle with the question, “How can I make the buyer remember this house? How can I distinguish it from its competition?” I went to the Dollar Store and purchased a wine glass and a glass plate for a grand total of $2. I then glued them together with a fantastic craft glue called E6000 to make a unique cake plate. After placing the cake plate in the center of the dining room table, I placed a white doily and my fake chocolate cake on top. To further enhance this celebrative mood, the homeowner contributed her champagne flutes along with a bottle of champagne, a cake server, two beautiful glass plates, and a greeting card made out to Mr. and Mrs. Buyer congratulating them on the purchase of their new home. Now how could a potential buyer forget that? We’ll have to wait and see how long it takes for Mr. and Mrs. Buyer to find this little dream home. If you live in Jacksonville or know someone moving here who is looking for a charming well-built home that is located near major stores, the library, medical facilities and has quick access to all major highways, this is the home for them.  For more information on this beautiful property, go here.

A Makeover, Thank You and the Party Continues!

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Hey there! Hope you all are having a good weekend so far...

Have you seen this makeover by designer Tyler Colgan that is currently featured on Southern Living?

It's a light and airy home with a cozy vibe that feels like you could just walk in the door, kick your shoes off and be comfy.

What makes it even more impressive is that they show what it looked like before, and you won't even remotely recognize it as the same house!

For example the breakfast nook went from this...

to this. An awesome transformation!

(To see the rest of the images as well as sources (some very affordable ones like Ikea, World Market, etc.) click here.)


Thank you once again to Janell, Lauren, Maria, Sherry, Erika, and Emily for participating in the Paint Series! I really appreciated them taking the time to share their tips and favorites with us and I know you all did too!

And thank you so much to these very kind bloggers who've awarded me the Stylish Blogger Award!
Pamela - Be Colorful


The Paint Linky Party will be open for you to add your links until midnight tonight. Thank you to all of you who have already linked up! If you want to link up, or just check out all of the great projects, you can click on the button below to get to the party...

Which Tree For Me?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

I have narrowed it down to one of these trees.

The yellow,

the purple,

or the orangie-red????

This last tree is called an african tulip tree.
I have wanted one of these for years,
but they get huge.

Which tree do you like?

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG..... Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, TurnKey Interior Design Service,Paint selection, Floor-Plans,Online Interior Design,my tree - african tulip tree Share
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