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Such a Deal for Classic Garden Stools

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Wow, here is one of the many secrets I will share.
Remember the gorgeous green ceramic garden stools from a few post ago?
Well, here you go…..
These you can pick up at nearly ½ the price at a place called ‘Pearl River’.
These are 4 inches higher ( 19”)

You know there is a bronze one in this group.
Bronze can be slipped into a scheme easily as a side table- whatever.
And because of the metallic, it will add a bit of jazz or glamour.

The other colors are practical.
And before get a white one....-
they just happen to be selling the white one at the other place for 129.00

I would be cautious with the aqua/or turquoise stool.
I love aqua & turquoise……but,
All I can say is that it had better not be a shade ‘off’ the aqua color that you are working with.
If it is……….you might end up with a pretty nasty look.

: ) happy shopping

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