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Wonderful Ways to Display Your Artwork

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Ever in a quandry about how to hang your artwork? There are a variety of ways to showcase your favorite pieces.  Here are just a few examples.

House Beautiful

One of the most common ways is to hang your art in a horizontal row.  You will add interest if you hang an odd number of pictures or decorative items.  The accessories on the table further enhance the art.


Here is a clever use of frames.   Hang some frames equidistant from one another. Again  we see an odd number of frames which adds interest.  Then place a three dimensional object on the wall inside each  framed space.  I also like to see empty frames overlapped on a fireplace mantel ledge.  I am going to try this look in one of my redesign or home staging projects. Da Vinci watch out!   

House Beautiful

This picture shows symmetry in the artwork hung on each side of the fireplace and assymmetry on the ledge.  The picture on the mantel throws you off a bit , but I like it.  Again , in my opinion, it adds interest and is in good taste.  It's not what I would have predicted for the outcome of this room after the art was hung.  That's what makes it dramatic.

House Beautiful

If you have a large built-in  bookcse in one of your rooms, you can add drama or interest by hanging a piece of artwork in front of it.  This is another look I really like.  However, you have to be able to move the artwork to get to that Sherlock Holmes mystery you want to read. Don't know if I'd be wanting to move it each time.  Notice how symmetrical everything is in the picture - the lamps, the tables, the glass candle holders on the table, the couches - all sort of bowing to this great piece of artwork! The symmetry creates a formal look.

House Beautiful

The resident of this space uses the available wall space to showcase artwork above the large windows.  The white frames unify the grouping and they are spaced equally apart.

House Beautiful

This homeowner places a mirror in the middle of a very symmetrical grouping.  Don't be afraid to mix decorative accents with your artwork. When you add the unexpected and use an odd number of pieces, you create interest.

House Beautiful

Another look I like and may try in one of my home staging or redesign projects.  There is definitely no symmetry going on here -  various pictures in different colored frames and different colored mattings arranged and overlapped to create a conversation piece.  Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone trumps you! 

Have fun with your artwork.  Experiment and be creative.  Try cutting out the shapes of your frames from paper and place the arrangement on the floor to see how it will look before hanging it.  Usually the more symmetry you create in a room , the more formal the look. 

~ "Art is the window to man's soul." ~ Lady Bird Johnson     

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