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Modern sofa beds designed to serve multi-purpose furniture functions

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Modern sofa beds designed to serve multi-purpose furniture functions

Sofa as place to get relax, usually putting sofa for interior and exterior. for exterior people like to put raw material as wood. in interior people put raw material such pillow.
Beddinge is a line of sofa beds from Ikea that are designed to serve multi-purpose furniture functions. For many homes or apartments, sofa beds offer a great way to provide additional sleeping areas while using the piece as an everyday piece of furniture to sit on. There are a few features about this line that appeal to me. First, there are four choices of mattresses from which to choose from.

This creates different possibilities on what is comfortable as that varies by person. Beddinge sofa beds use slip covers giving you the option to switch colors out. There are nine color choices. Another neat feature is that the mattress is stored inside the sofa. This makes for a nice package where all the components are stored inside one unit.

Modern fireplace in sweat living room

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Modern fireplace in sweat living room

Are you need a fireplace for you home? if so, you can get this modern fireplace functioned as warm our body but also can make beauty our living room. There is something magical about a wood burning hearth in a home. Though there are many other types of heating products, wood fueled systems are hard to beat when it comes to creating atmosphere.

This product comes from "Stuv" and features a clean design creating a very "up to date" looking hearth for the home. I like the contrast between the iron color of the hearth and the white found in the walls and storage unit.

Modern White Bathroom : Light by Arlexitalia

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Modern White Bathroom : Light by Arlexitalia
Modern White Bathroom : Light by Arlexitalia2
Modern White Bathroom : Light by Arlexitalia3
Modern White Bathroom : Light by Arlexitalia4
Are you really want to have modern white bathroom? modern design usually characterize by light and raw material such as fiber and plastic.

Graffititek Bookshelf By Charles Kalpakian

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Graffititek Bookshelf By Charles Kalpakian
Graffititek Bookshelf By Charles Kalpakian2Bookshelf design by Charles Kalpakian as best design bookshelf that look beautiful at image above part of bookshelf look like lamp.

easy sewing

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

: : this makes a lot of sense. big eye needle by .woo moon-hyung.
{discovered via .notcot.}

the red balloon

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

: : watched the red balloon {le ballon rouge} a few nights ago. what a wonderful movie! I love the contrast of the balloons to the surroundings. especially when the red and the blue balloon meet...

images from here and here


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

: : HAPPY NEW YEAR! : : absolutely amazing paperwork art by .yulia brodskaya.
{discovered via one of my very favorite blogs .oh joy.}

ABCD Books Of Camden Maine

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

This is a special OUT OF PRINT Bookstore.  
And just like Camden, it is charming. Let's have a look.

This is the owner. She is very sweet and super helpful. 
If you can't find a book, contact ABCD BOOKS.

After you walk in and pass the owner, this is what you see. 

I have found that most of Maine is filled with well read intellectuals. In most of these charming little towns, you will have a difficult time finding a lot of different items to purchase. 
But you will never have to go very far for something to read. In these tiny towns it is not unusual to find 2 or 3 book stores. 
The libraries are loaded, better than the library in Boca Raton, Florida. 
Perhaps because Boca Raton-ians shop, they don't read much.

Isn't this cozy and funky ??
That's my funky daughter, she is a reader and loved the store.

BTW, this is a very large shop. I have not posted all the really great reading corners . The owner has done a fabulous job with her place. ABCD BOOKS has an inviting and warm atmosphere. 
She had interesting things on the bookshelves that were for sale as well.

My daughter Andi & me at the end of the days adventures.

ABCD Books
Your Maine source for out of print books
Camden Maine
207.236.3903 or Toll Free : 888.236.3903

( enlarge any picture for more info and a closer look )

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her blog of her Adventures in Design

souteern design

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Southern Classic Design

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Southern Classic Design Process & Philosophy

Proper home design should be about the balanced matrimonial site, shape, function, durability and price. The right combination of these factors are crucial in the planning of a large home.

A home site has many inherent properties such as size, shape, topography, views, orientation, and drainage applications - as well as the location of surrounding houses and trees. Each of these may limit or enhance a design and should be considered early in the planning process. Although we can not control the characteristics of a site, we certainly can give the home plans to maximize its use and enjoyment. Home sites are static - designs are infinite.

Form of a home, or what it looks and feels like the inside and out is extremely important to most homeowners. This is what makes us "feel good home" and have a great impact on our sense of style. Form or a home begins with its overall massing and space planning and ending with the smallest detail and decoration. The goal is to capture the essence of the owner's style using classic design features. This allows the home to remain fresh and elegant, while aging gracefully.

Our plans are much more than conceptual renderings. Every aspect is drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. Profiles and information are level-specific and is equipped to ensure that the desired appearance and proportion, inside and out, will actually be achieved. We are proud not only in our design, but also the quality of our plans.

The function of a home or how it should be used is perhaps the most important design factor, but is often overshadowed by other factors such as style or cost. Prolonged use and daily livability should be considered. A long-term home should be able to support the changing needs of the baby to have children all the way through the empty services phase. It may be necessary to bring the optimal design for a phase in order to strengthen the livability another. This may involve decisions on the location of the master suite, the availability of playroom or functions needed for a future pool. Whatever the long-term needs, the design of the home should also improve their daily life.

All of our designs, both large and small, function properly bedroom separation, larger hallways, wider door openings and kitchen work. Indeed, all our designs feature more generous "minimum size" throughout. Closet doors, windows, bedroom items, and the door swing areas are designed to allow optimal furniture placement and turnover. All our presentation drawings include furniture layouts to scale and to illustrate how a particular place, may be used. Whether you are looking for a starter measures home, a family home, a vacation home or an empty home services, questions about the functioning and livability should be weighted heavily in the planning process.

The shelf life of a home often determines whether we will spend our leisure time and enjoy the resources or maintenance. It starts with a proper structural design to maximize stability and give the impression of a "permanent home". It also tag design included inputs and Porches to shed water and weather away, choice of materials and products that can handle the elements. Homes designed and built for longevity may cost a little more up front but are much cheaper in the long run. More durable homes cheaper to maintain and also have higher resale values. Even questions about the durability and livability are usually strengthened simultaneously. The most loved and wanted back, like everything else, tend to be those that require less maintenance. Our homes are designed to stand the test of time both physically and aesthetically.

The cost of a home affected by all these design factors. It is certainly more economical to build on a flat dry place than on a steep or wet site. The style and features of a home, the materials used and the effectiveness of the design will also have a major impact on the total cost. As you can see, we love to design houses, small and big, with plenty of Porches and garages, classic detail and gracious interior dimensions. We also wish to use the tried and true materials and we do not skimp on structural elements such as foundations and framing. Efficiency and value of our plans are not made by simply delete functions ... it is created by offering these features in a true economic and buildable format. Because the costs will affect all decisions in the design and construction, it is important to understand how specific elements actually affect the cost and to adopt a realistic budget early in the planning stage.

Determining the right balance of these factors as they relate to your individual needs will have a major impact on livability value and enjoyment of your home. Choosing a quality design with an excellent set of plans is key to building a great home!
for learn more;www.southernclassicdesign.com/our_home_plans.asp

Cozy Camden And A Good Cup Of Coffee

Saturday, December 27, 2008

It was rainy and cold in Camden.

There is a river that runs right under main street, and this is it. There are always beautiful ducks on it.

So, I decide on a yummy mocha to warm up and people watch, when I see the cutest Boxer dog sitting in the drivers seat of the car in front of me. I also decide to go over to 'Surroundings' across the street. This place is jammed packed with housewares and other pick-up items.

Here is a closer look at the Boxer if you can see through the glare of the window.

This is the coffee shop looking back as I cross to head over to ' Surroundings'.

Inside the shop.

Remember , this is Maine. These dishes  and linens are BLUEBERRY designs.

I am crazy about these linens, very sexy colors. And no, I really couldn't get a better shot. They were jammed between a few things.  But they were great.

I love black & white. The egg cups are way too adorable. !!!

Durable goods for the Home and Garden
Camden Maine

( enlarge any picture for more info and a closer look )

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her blog of her Adventures in Design

Lazy Downtown Rockland Day

Saturday, December 27, 2008

I just wanted to give you a better idea of what the area looks like, and how many islands there are. This is just a tiny portion of Mid-Coast Maine, but it is filled with these little fingers of land surrounded by water.

There is so much water here. It is everywhere. It might be a river running into the ocean, or a spring, or a huge lake ( or small one ) that narrows and runs into the ocean.

There are mountains, and dramatic cliffs with beautiful harbors in every direction.

The Rockland Christmas tree covered in Lobster Buoys.
This is actually a pretty ugly shot of main street in Rockland.

There is a Fabulous sort of style store that carries quite a few high end items.

It is a lovely shop , jammed packed with great clothes, home-wares ( only the latest and most stylish ) shoes, scarves, ties, hats......you get the idea.
It is on Main St. and called the
Black Parrot
Rockland, Maine (& Portland , Maine)
Ask for Barbara, she was so sweet, friendly & darling to look at.
I do not know how she keeps it looking so organized.
This place is filled , and I do mean filled !
I am sure you are wondering why I have these ties.... when I am stale I turn to scarves, ties, and patterned fabrics on clothing for a fresh color scheme. This has always worked for me when stuck in the design mud. Even if I only use 2 or 3 of the colors, it's usually a good start. And it is good, because I wouldn't have come up with those 2 or 3 colors, remember, I am stuck in the mud.

G.F. MacGregor
Home Decor And Design
Rockland, Maine
The owner and designer is Ariana S Fischer Gregg.

This is Ariana, and she wouldn't turn around for me, I think it really was a "powdering her nose kinda' thing". She was nice, and very pretty . I don't blame her in the least, she had been dealing with the day after Xmas crowd, of which I was the last one of her day. ( yucko !)
This is her shop window, and the town movie theatre across the street.

Some of her things on the cocktail table. I thought the throw was great. And probably made by a local artist.
This is the back of the store and where I decided to whip out my camera and ask if I could take pictures.
I started taking pictures today because of this horse pillow. I love it !
I am a woman who loves horses deeply. And that my dear, is another story for another time.
So, anything 'HORSIE' makes my heart smile.
Notice the Tony Duquette book ???
Now this is a little antique shop down the street called :
Hall's Antiques
Rockland , Maine
These are the boats etc. from inside the shop.
This is Green Depression glass - love it .
This is Pink Depression glass. I have a girlfriend with a humongous collection. When she has you over for lunch and sets the table, and serves with only this pink depression glass....it is a
Oh look !!! There is a pair of opera glasses, and I have already had an Adventure in Design on that subject.
But these opera glasses seem to be everywhere, I myself own 2 or 3.
But what I love and collect myself in this picture is the 'Mulberry'.
The plate on the stand that looks out of focus but is not. That is just the way Mulberry looks. It is transferware, there are several colors including Mulberry. The Mulberry color actually is a purple, that is so dark that it appears to the eye as black. Dolly Hall is one of the owners. This ' Redneck Wind Chime' made me crack up when I was leaving, but Dolly hates it. Apparently her partner put it in the store.
The people of Maine, I find are pretty funny given the chance.
I have been coming to Maine most of my life, and I love , love , love it !!
( enlarge any picture for more info and a closer look )
Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her blog of her Adventures in Design
pic credits: flickr- mmpartee
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