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Model ६ 28 x 42 ft. Loft 1,540 sq.m.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Model 6
28 x 42 ft. Loft 1,540 sq.m.

Base price: 86,951.00
This house includes the following options:
Spring Valley Oak Cabinets 1,280.00
The dishwasher GE (*) 421.00
Laundry w / Cabinets 695.00
Vanity base w / Drawers 88.00
Gorham 664.00 carpet upgrade
Oak Trim & Doors 1,795.00
Crestline unfinished window upgrade (*) 850.00
9 'Crestline french doors RD (*) 2,060.00
9 'Crestline french doors LR (*) 464.00
2 - 9 'Trapezoid Crestline Windows (*) 5,402.00
Gas fireplace 3,159.00
Outside fireplace Chase 1,330.00
TV / Phone Jack & Wire Pull 13.00
Vinyl Siding log upgrade 5,791.00
Vanity base w / Drawers 88.00
2nd exterior door credit -240.00

Total: 110,811.00

(*) GE brand are no longer available, replaced appliances with Whirlpool
(*) Crestline mark are no longer available, Replaced w / Windows Visions

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