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The Only Russian Tea Room In NYC

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Before heading to The Russian Tea Room, perhaps a bit of food for the heart and soul.

The Carnegie is next door.

The City. I love the contrast , constant contrast, and beautifully choreographed.

I can't help showing so many awning shots, I get all excited with anticipation.

This shot shows what it really looks like at night, when the lights are lowered.

The Russian Tea Room is such a spectacular place. If you go to NYC, and are with anyone you want to show a good time, take them there.

I promise they will never get it out of the heads. It will be permanently filed on their ' Chip '.

I took my daughter there when she was about 6 years old and we had brunch.

We were both dressed up and she was consciously testing her very best table manners.

The waiters were so lovely, and needless to say the presentation of the meal was elegant & amazing to a little girl from Boca Raton.

It was such a memory for me as well.

She will never be that same innocent, beautiful, big eyed little girl again.

We were both so happy that day, we were all smiles, hugs and kisses.

Unfortunately, sometimes money can buy happiness and on that day

The Russian Tea Room contributed to it greatly.
When I was little my parents took me there...........it was nothing like this.
It was a landmark of course, and they did take me.
But I remember it being done in the dark maroon-ish reds. It was dark and dingy feeling.

It really does look like this.

The ceiling is gold leafed. They spent something like 6 million dollars on the interiors the last time they restored it. ( within the last 15 years or so )

Seriously, try to get there.
Especially if you have an innocent, big eyed , beautiful little 6 yr old girl .
The Russian Tea Room NYC: http://www.russiantearoomnyc.com/
( enlarge any picture for more info and a closer look )

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her blog of her Adventures in Design

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