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Somewhere on East 61st Street Near Park Avenue....

Saturday, January 3, 2009

GEOFFREY BRADFIELD LLC - Headquarters on East 61st St. NYC, NY.
Have I mentioned lately how much I miss NYC and most importantly, living there?

So, in NYC there is Geoffrey Bradfield , a designer.

I am ashamed to say that I am not a designer junkie, and I don't necessarily know who's on top and who's not. I am also a designer that does not go to see the latest model homes when I am working on a project. I have always felt that it effects my creativity negatively, I can end up in the 'design mud'. Stuck.
I can not pick up where someone else has left off, if you get my meaning. For me , it has to come from the inside out While doing a little research on new products I happened upon Geoffrey Bradfield and his work.
Look at the hard cornice that frames and arches the windows here in the sitting area. It could be a straight window which has been made to look as though it has an arch. If that is the case, I like that very much , and do the same whenever I can. The windows with the arched hard cornice, including the drapery panels ( and whatever decorative hardware & trims that you might use ) will look architecturally enhanced when installed.
This Top Designer has a 'Top Drawer' Clients as well.

Now here is the thing I was researching, Lucite Case Goods.

But I found his own SIGNATURE COLLECTION of area rugs made by Stark Carpet. Which means of course that you can custom color your carpet with Stark's custom color carpet tufts.
They have a bizzillion different colored yarns to choose from.

I think these are sooooooo Hollywood.

Now we get to the LUCITE, and his MILLENNIUM MODERN Collection.

Geoffrey Bradfield's Favorite Room: ’40s glamour FOR THE 21ST CENTURY

NEW YORK, NY 10022
212 755-7024

To my readers , I am suffering at the moment with Internet issues and I am on a friends computer. Please cut me a bit of slack if I am slow to post this week.
.....I am working on it.

( enlarge any picture for more info and a closer look )

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her blog of her Adventures in Design

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