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...Nothing But A Fig Leaf

Friday, February 27, 2009

At the Palm Beach Annual Arts and Antiques Show,

I saw something that stirred a sweet childhood memory.

When I was little, I lived with my Grandmother ( I called her Bebe ) she was so beautiful and sweet. I was an only child, so needless to say, Bebe indulged me in many ways.
We had a huge wisteria hedge, and there was an opening in this hedge where I would hold court with my imaginary friends ( don't worry, there were only 2, and it was age appropriate for a 4 or 5 year old ).

When lunch time came around,

my Bebe would bring me little cucumber sandwiches with the crust cut off ( I hated crust ).
She would hand little sandwiches to my 'friends' as well.

And I remember , even at the time , how sweet she was.

Bebe would look right into the faces of these imaginary friends, and ask them questions and talk to them, while nodding and smiling.
Don't you love her ???

I did, and I always felt loved by her.
This woman was so kind and loving to me.

I loved her more than anything in the whole world.

Spoken just like a child , I know.

Anyway, this is the 'something' that stirred my memories. I found this an amazing piece of functioning ART !

The Brilliant Artist is Tord Boontje

The Fig Leaf by Tord Boontje for Meta
Nominated for the Brit Insurance Furniture Award 2009

How is this for a fabulous coat closet. I can see a few furs hanging right now....

I can also see myself hiding inside, while my Bebe brings me and my little friends tea and tiny sandwiches

This is exquisite workmanship in my eyes.

The element of whimsy , makes it feel timeless to me .

Like the The Mad Hatter at The 'Mad Tea Party' is timeless.

The Devil is in THE DETAILS.

To me, this looks just like the under-side , or my secret place, in the wisteria hedge.

"The monumental fig-leaf encrusted doors open to reveal a bronze tree arching up and outward against the background of a peaceful landscape in silk. The Fig Leaf wardrobe reflects a time when craftsmen vied to outdo each other in demonstrating their skills in the hope of attracting wealthy patrons. This piece is widely viewed by the talented artisans who have undertaken its challenge as one of the most difficult and exceptionally finished enamel works of recent memory.
The 616 hand-painted enamel leaves, varying across 10 basic shapes, and each with a unique colour-way, use no ‘transfers’ which are otherwise the mainstay of nearly all enamels done today, but instead rely solely on hand painting of both front and back – another exceptional undertaking as rarely do makers apply as much attention to both sides of an enamel work. The colours used are bespoke mixes and not otherwise available. The overall size of the larger leaves as well as the enormous surface area to be painted were originally thought impossible tasks, but with ingenuity and perseverance, this has been overcome. The delicacy of essentially 616 pieces of glass suspended individually from a complicated tangle of hand-formed supporting vines required development of a novel mapping and hanging system. The matching of colours across bronzes, silks, enamels and iron challenged the ateliers to develop new techniques for finishing and matching.The interior is dominated by a lifelike lost wax bronze cast of a hand-carved tree upon which to hang clothing. The interior back-drop and base are upholstered in a custom hand-dyed and woven silk with an earth-to-sky motif. Each wardrobe also includes a bespoke bronze hanger as well as a custom set of handmade tools for adjustments and maintenance. The exterior rear of the wardrobe is finished with a hand-stippled trompe l’oeil."

Tord Boontje
Tord Boontje has long cultivated a delicate marriage of design with emotion that is as broadly accessible as it is enticing. His work draws from a belief that modernism does not mean minimalism, that contemporary does not forsake tradition, and that technology does not abandon people and senses. Boontje’s designs often temper edges with softness, borrow inspiration from nature, and employ a décor of forms and layers to engage and
entice an observer’s imagination and emotions.
Many of his seminal works are held in public collections throughout the world including multiple pieces in London’s Victoria & Albert Museum, The Museum of Modern Art in New York, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam and the Groninger Museum. Tord has received a number of public and private commissions and clients include Alexander McQueen, Murray Moss, Pearl Lam, Nadja Swarovski, and Ian Schrager.
Tord Boontje was born in Enschede, Netherlands in 1968. He first studied industrial design at the Design Academy in Eindhoven (1986 –1991). Following several internships, including Alessandro Mendini’s Studio in Milan, he returned to studying and completed a Masters at the Royal College of Art in London (1992 - 1994). He later taught at the same school on invitation from Ron Arad who was Professor of Design Products at the time, before eventually establishing his own studio in 1996. Tord Boontje lived and worked in London from 1995 to 2005 and currently lives and works in Saint Etienne, France with his wife and daughter. A biography of Tord’s work was published by Rizzoli New York in 2007.
dutch born
Meta's blue-sky philosophy allowed Tord Boontje's limitless imagination "a unique opportunity to design very special pieces in the knowledge that they are realized without any compromise but every time enriched by the most skilled hands".

Part of the assembly process.

Can you imagine the task at hand ??


Tiny, Tiny, Tiny and tedious, tedious.

The enameling process.
Thanks for indulging me. Have a sweet weekend.

For More: http://madebymeta.com/designers/tord-boontje and then just poke around

( enlarge any picture for more info and a closer look )

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....

The Pits

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sometime in the 1970's 'Pit Seating ' or 'Modular Sofa's ' became popular.

Gotta' tell ya' , I never liked it.

But mainly because people would just put this giant BROWN U shaped sofa ( the color of the 70's ) in the middle of their living rooms.

Then again, I was not a designer yet, I was just a teenager, and I guess I was hanging out with the wrong crowd......

People with ZERO DESIGN SENSE, or put more simply, people with no sense of style .
And in my opinion, a fate worse than death !

Anyway, I love this room,.

When you use individual pieces, like a sofa , end tables, chairs and ottomans, you need space.
It seems this room has little, but it does have great elements to it.
Like the exposed brick, and the stairs with the library style book-case.

I think this seating style is absolutely the very best choice for the space.

If there were a giant TV in this room , you could have great movie parties
with your best girlfriends ( or boyfriends ).
This PIT SEATING arrangement, is big AND COZY.

You just need a few bowls of Kettle Corn and Raisinettes, beverages , soft pillows , a few throws ( for the freeze babies ), and you would be ready to HIT PLAY.

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....

Not So Secret Compartments

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

These are the 'not so secret compartments' I could keep my papers in.

Papers with my little stories on them , about my little experiences ,and my little & big feelings about those experiences.

Some stories I will read again and again, and some I will conveniently never find again.

One of my little stories will be so shocking that I will have to rest here.

( enlarge any picture for more info and a closer look )

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her blog of her Adventures in Design



Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I was trolling for something new and fun, and
look what I caught ?

This is so EURO, and fun.

Gotta Kid ?

Get a Le Beanock @ http://www.lebeanock.com/index.htm

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her blog of her Adventures in Design


Karim Rashid

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Karim Rashid does everything from art, to clothing, to furniture design and interior decor. These photos are from a mall space he designed in Moscow Russia. His colors are so vibrant and the designs look so surreal. The use of lighting in the space enhances the fun colors and sleek look of his designs. Oh how I would love for this man to come and design a room in my home..

Everyone Really Needs A Dressing Mirror

Monday, February 23, 2009

Have you ever seen someone and thought to yourself ;

' GEEEZ .... doesn't she own (and use) a mirror ?'
or how about ; ' It is obvious, someone lied to her ( or him ) this morning ! '

Please don't tell someone you care about ; " No , really , you look fine. " ,
" Sure, it matches ".

So, everyone does need a dressing mirror, especially with friends like that.

There is always a need for a dressing mirror.
Finding one that is beautiful in it's simplicity, timeless ,
and a real bargain is not always an easy task.

I have found one.

This is it.
(WM692 $ 179.00 65 x 30 @ Ballard Designs)
You can hang it on the wall about 12 inches of the floor, and it will make it possible to see your entire image, from shoes to your chapeau.


WM545 $349.00 @ Ballard Designs

I know that this doesn't look like much in the picture, but this is a show stopper. I was walking by the store and had to go in and check it out.

It is really unusual , and beautiful !
Impressive, really.
I think it is worth every penny, and it will take many !
Sophia Mirror 70 x 39.5 $999.00

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her blog of her Adventures in Design


Home Design – Custom Furnishing – Curtains According to the Theme

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Although, you may not comprehend it, it is very important to match the curtains in with the theme. This does not mean that you have to play it safe and make the curtains match perfectly but they should not clash with the custom furnishings.

Make sure that the materials reflect the custom furnishing materials in the room, the color works with your color palette and the thickness of the material works with the feel of the interior decoration. The last thing you will want is a heavy drape in a light and airy in your home design space.

When it comes to the color, you can use the curtains to add depth to a space or you can use the curtains to provide a little pop of color or a statement piece to the room.

Last of all, I would suggest sketching out the window area and drawing in the drapes before you go out and purchase them.

Great Doors Design

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Modern Wooden Doors
Spice a dark interior with modern wood door. Doors provide privacy and immediately noticeable upswing in each room. Wooden doors are ideal for interior repairs. The doors are made of metal are too heavy and serious home interiors and doors are made of synthetic materials such as particles, the latter a few years before it starts distorting.

Contemporary Doors
Contemporary Doors
Check before installing
contemporary interior doors, what effect you want to achieve. If you just enough privacy, panel-style door with a solid brass knob. If you want to create a mood that should be true divided light contemporary door. This style, which consists of a solid wood window casing is made of glass can play up or physically or internally reflect light beautifully. Glass contemporary doors can also look a room less dark and institutions.

Modern Doors Design
Modern Doors Design
Think about personalizing your
modern door. Modern keys, the ornate hinges, working individual or specific membrane or chamfer can improve your furniture and wall hangings, and add a personal touch to your favorite room. Modern doors can be painted or stained to complement various interior design color schemes and decorating themes.

Sliding Doors Design
Sliding Doors Design
The opening of the premises sliding doors design
are the solution. These spaces, which can give access to the outside world, to be implemented in a way that it is opened for the purpose of clear and quiet and close when you are ensuring spokoystvie.This sliding doors with double glazed units, fitted, not only the more efficient, but also help in conserving energy.

Modern Interior Design

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Modern Interior Design
Modern Interior Design

There are some principles of modern interior design used by interior designers. Some basic rules must be followed to create a large project. Interior design is a process of designing the interior of the house. Decorate your room with views all the basic requirement. A professional interior designer in modern interior design. In this service design, it is necessary to believe that house as a whole and then the theme of the house should be planned. Choose colors according to themes.

Modern Interior Design
Modern Interior Design

There are basically three types of modern interior balance: symmetrical, asymmetrical and radial.Symmetrical
interior design balance is considered as the same objects on both sides of the vertical axis included. It is in a traditional setting. This type of service is a quick start guide. This symmetrical interior design balance reflects the human form.

Modern Interior Design
Modern Interior Design

modern interior balance is simpler and less in a fictional sense. This kind of balance is very difficult to achieve. And this balance is through various Web sites, have reached the same weight and attractiveness. Uh-day asymmetrical interior design balance is to be used for the modern interior.Radial balance is when all elements of the modern design reflects the center. The best example is the radial equilibrium spiral staircase. This kind of balance is not used often, but when used as it gives a very interesting insight into the design.

Modern Interior Design
Modern Interior Design

The biggest enemy is boredom
modern interior design. Depending on the size of the room in a well-designed room always has one or two focal point. Emphasis should seek to promote the dominant viewer further. One focus is always to be interesting to match the modern interior design style, size or color theme. And also keep the balance in the development, so that the other thing go unattended to.

Modern Interior Design
Modern Interior Design

The interior design
is the rhythm of vision. The rhythm is nothing but a continuity, repetition and organized movement. Recurrence, progression, transition and contrast are the element that helps to achieve the theme of the modern interior design project.Repetition is the use of the same object or item more than once in the room. Such as text, model, color, texture and an element can be repeated.These are forgotten basic interior design principles is necessary, and interior design.

Beauty and Modern Rugs from Mats-The Basics

Friday, February 20, 2009

We found a really great rug line that we just have to share with you. Despite the clunky name, they make wonderful modern rugs that are stylish yet clean-lined and simple. That's so hard to find, don't you think so? Many contemporary rugs are a bit too austere, too severe perhaps.

Here are some of our favorites:

We'll be loading these up on our rugs section next week, so please check back soon.
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