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Interior Design Art is the Strongest Statement You Make

Sunday, June 13, 2010

interior design art
interior design art

Personal expression is the art of Interior Design. Art Interior Design in your home, in your office, in your high rise, or a commercial low-rise, art says something about the owner. Interior design can incorporate architectural street scenes onto office, walls capes. Someone once said, 'there is no accounting for taste when it comes to art.' Another person once uttered, 'I may not know art but I know what I like.'

Interior Design art is the strongest statement you make. Art can set a mood, or give people a glimpse into your personal preferences. You are giving a glimpse of your personality and your feeling about life. How you decorate your surroundings is not just personal, but it is important for you to select the correct interior art for your home or office.

When we speak about Interior Design art, it can mean anything from hanging a piece of art above the chesterfield to a priceless art form in the lobby in an important public building. The representation of this interior art ought to match the function that it is surrounded by. When it is inside your home then you'll want it to be a personal expression of you. You'll want it to be a piece of your personality and culture.

If you want to put up a Star Wars Poster in your living room over your chesterfield, and you considered it an expression of interior design in a building, it can depend on where you display it. It would also depend upon and how you use it in relation to the rest of your house. As far as this goes placement is critical.

Using Art for Many Purposes
For instance, in a professional office building you may not be thought very highly of if you hang a nude painting or place a graphically nude statue in the lobby. Thinking of design art, you have to consider what purpose it will serve. Is it going to inspire or will it be pure decoration? You may have noticed that some Interior Design art found in numerous doctors' waiting rooms to be just visually lighthearted. When one has to visit the doctor's office it can be stressful enough without the need to try to figure out what the artist is trying to say.

interior design art
interior design art

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