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Why you should knowing your Interior Design Style

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

interior design style
interior design style

Are you a French Or Southwestern Country? Do you see the world in Tuscan or Traditional?

One of the most fundamental aspects to interior design is knowing what your personal design style is. But, it can be the most difficult aspect of your personality to figure out.

There are some wonderful ways to determine your interior design style but first let's take a look at why it is important to identify a preference at all.

There Are Fundamental Reasons

Image yourself needing a new car. You wander into a car lot already feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the choices so when approached by a sales representative who politely asks "May I help you?" it becomes almost overwhelming.

At that very moment, you realize you have no idea what you are looking for. Sure, you have a basic mental sketch in respect to color and desired interior features, but as far as the specifics in regard to style, size, fuel type etc., you are at a total loss.

One of two things may happen at this point...you stomp out of the dealership feeling totally frustrated or, you end up buying something by default...not quite what you want, but you'll be happy with it for now.

So often, this is the type of scenario professional design consultants face. Working with clients becomes more of a system of wading through a hodge podge of likes and dislikes. It's almost like pseudo psychology - counseling for the design constipated.

Most people already have a vague idea of what they like, but lack the clear thinking and vocabulary to communicate and implement those likes, in a clear designer fashion.

There Are Practical Reasons

By coming to a basic understanding of your style, it orders your mind and brings a cogency to the process. You will save time, and definitely money, being able to work within the parameters of the determined interior design style. You will know what works together and what doesn't quite fit. The effort to implement will be simplified by understanding the theme options.

So, imagine yourself going back to the car lot. This time you are fully prepared. You know what vehicle you want, color, size, trunk capacity etc - you have worked out every facet of what you are looking for to best compliment your personality. Now it's time to negotiate the deal. The dealer appreciates your preparedness, and before you know it, you are driving away with the car of your dreams.

There Are Emotional Reasons

A home that reflects who you are, will always provide a place of rest, rejuvenation and happy feelings. It's a known and proven fact that a home full of clutter and disorganization will darken any ones mood to one degree or another. It can be a very subtle, almost imperceptible experience or totally overwhelming, self defeating environmental sabotage.

This, along with a purely "functional" view of home furnishings will not contribute to your overall well being and personal success.

Back to the car example...imagine yourself behind the wheel in the car of your dreams. Energized? Happy? Totally pumped? You've got a gas tank of sunshine! That's exactly how you can feel when it comes to your home that expresses your style.

interior design style

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