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Modern Home Interior Design Inspirations Lake Union Minimalist Floating House Design by Vandeventer + Carlander Architects

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Vandeventer + Carlander Architects have designed a modern floating house on Lake Union, Seattle. For a long time, floating homes has become a tradition among people who lived around the lake. The architect managed to develop a great place to dwell on a small site, as well as for entertainment purposes.
01 Lake Union Modern Floating House Design

02 Lake Union Floating House Design
03 Lake Union Living Room Interior Design
04 Lake Union Contemporary Kitchen Ideas
05 Lake Union Contemporary Furniture Design
06 Lake Union edroom Minimalist Interior Design
07 Lake Union Stair Alley
08 Lake Union Floating House Architecture
The small house comprised of two levels. The private space is located on float level while public ares have taken the second one. The entry, guest rooms, master’s bath and bedroom are located one the float level. All areas on the second floor are combined together to provide one large entertainment place.

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