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Design Fee Schedule

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Design Fee Schedule

Custom Home Design vs. purchase of the finished "Stock Plans"

You have two options: to design:

1. Pre-designed or "Stock" Plans: If you are lucky enough to find a plan that closely with the needs of your family and to meet its own vision of a beautiful architectural style, the "Stock Plans" are the cheapest and fastest way to move forward. We now have a "Stock Plans", which is based on our most popular models. Click here to see the stock plans at this time. We are currently producing one of the new stock plan for a month.

2. Custom-designed House Plans: If your needs are not met, one new stock plans, and then click Custom Design is a way to meet these special needs and vision for a new home. These special needs can be due to abnormally high number of the location, size and / or slope. Or maybe the way of life requires an unusual design. We are going to create a Custom Design, which meets these needs. My design leads to the home, which is a beautiful, healthy place to live, and the source of pride for you and your family.

The Schematic Design plan is a critical part of the creative planning. It includes a floor plan, the very heart of a new home. It also includes the architectural style of the facade, or "Front Elevation", which reflects the designer's creativity and aesthetic vision.

Production "Architectural Drawings Construction Set" is a computerized drafting stage. This step will produce detailed architectural drawings of the construction necessary for the construction of a new home and the application for a permit to build in their own locale.

Price: SCHEMATIC design (Floor plans and the facade Elevation Design):

Our Quality Standard Design Service gives you a pre-Schematic Design-5 weeks.
Throughout the house, * Price per square foot is covered by a roof
5,000 square feet & above $ 0.95 per square foot in
3000-4999 square feet of $ 1.15 per square foot in
2000-2999 square feet of $ 1.35 per square foot in

Our New Express Design Service gives you a pre-Schematic Design, only two (2) weeks.
Throughout the house, * Price per square foot is covered by a roof
5,000 square feet & above $ 1.25 per square foot in
3000-4999 square feet of $ 1.45 per square foot in
2000-2999 square feet of $ 1.65 per square foot in

* Friday square foot in costs of the design of lower house has been higher than the increased effort necessary to create an efficient design, which restricts the region. Our salaries (per square foot in) are the smallest of homes, which are greater than 5000 square feet.

All the calculations of the region are the "roof" - including the air-conditioned / heated space and cover all the Porches, covered balconies, garages, gazebos, storage areas, etc., but not in the open patios, open decks, and the attic.

When we have gone through two major amendments, and you decide to make the large majority of the amendments, there is a fee based on how wide-ranging review, it is and how far we have together to produce the final plans and korkeusasemat. A major revision of typically comprises more than 20% change in the planning. There will never be the additional costs or work without the user's written approval of this work. There are no fees slight amendments, as long as they take place before the creation of construction drawings.

Unlike many designers, we believe that we should not get the total design of the fees until the customer has seen significant progress. Consequently, we ask the fifty per cent (50%) is listed on fees in advance, when the final payment of fifty prosentin due to receipt of the approved floor plan layout. Vastaanottamisen after the 2nd half in return for payment, we will move forward to complete and give the facade a design elevation.

Architectural drawings CONSTRUCTION SET: These are the construction drawings are needed, when he applies for a building permit.

Payments Standard Service production of Architectural Construction Drawings: $ 2.00 per square foot is covered by a roof. The estimated time for completion is 6 weeks.

Payments Express Service production of Architectural Construction Drawings: $ 3.00 per square foot is covered by a roof. The estimated time for completion is 2 weeks.

Bullets For the remaining 3 korkeusasemat (3 NEW DRAWINGS - Rear, left and right Sides) PLUS ROOF PLAN AND DESIGN:
The remaining 3 Elevations, and the roof design are involved in the production of the Construction Drawings Set. However, in cases where there is not going to be planning a service in preparing Construction Drawings Set, we can create the remaining 3 Elevations and the roof of Design in order to Design Development. The cost for this service is $ 0.50 per square foot in "ceiling".
For the slopes of LOTS or irregular LOTS: Price is $ 0.55 per square foot in "the roof" when ordering the side and rear walls korkeusasemat package.

Computer 3D renderings PERSPECTIVE (OPTIONAL) - photo-realistic images:
From 2D Cad-Files: starts at $ 600
From Hand-rendered drawings of the starts at $ 1200 (plus you get 2D files as well)
The sample is the point of view of the 3D model

Outsiders animation or INTERIOR Walk-THROUGHS (optional):
From 2D Cad-Files: starts at $ 1800

Special orders, such as computer-generated aspects of the fly-overs and Walk-throughs to require payment in advance. We sub-contract this work to third parties.

FOR criticisms of existing plans call for consultation.

For more information about SCOPE our services and to know what has been included in each kit, please click here. If you want to learn to step Custom-designed a new home, please click here.

Important note: If such services are necessary, the fee is a structural engineering computations and the signing of the plans is a licensed structural engineer oman state. This may be necessary because of sloping terrain, soil conditions, seismic environment, snow, rain or wind, loading the environment or by using a non-standard structural design, the cantilever, for example, pre-and post-tensioned structural factors supported for a long time to share. There may also be other conditions which would make it advisable or required to use the structural engineers for structural design. These charges are typically $ 1.00 $ 3.00 per square foot is covered by a roof.

See a gallery, we custom-designed homes.

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