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1 Observatory Circle

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The official Vice Presidential residence was designated by Congress in 1974. It's official name is the Queen Anne House and the property is still owned by the Navy. The 9,000 sq ft structure was built in 1893 as the official resident for the Superintendent of the Naval Observatory. The compound sits on 13 acres and staff is supplied by the Navy. The Observatory still operates as a research facility where scientist make observations of the sun, moon and planets.

One Observatory Circle, the home Joe and Jill Biden will soon occupy is in the Embassy Row area of DC. The house is painted white brick with a hip roof.

I love the all American Lenox white china and "Tuscan Classics" crystal, used in the Vice Presidential Maison. White linen napkins are embroidered with the vice presidential seal.

The 2nd family has a tradition of borrowing art and various items from museums, the dining table is on loan from the State Department.

Monochromatic furniture and window treatments bring focus to artwork. This piece is by artist Helen Frankenthaler.

All modern furniture designed by Stanislav Katz

Saturday, November 29, 2008

All modern furniture designed by Stanislav Katz
This modern bookshelves designed by soviet person who concern in making furniture every furniture has good design. Usually he used a black and pink color in designing furniture because this color as his favorite color.
All modern furniture designed by Stanislav Katz2
he also designed modern chair this chair if we look at it vastly like rabbit, his purpose in designing this chair for children. therefore they can get fun and enjoyable.

All modern furniture designed by Stanislav Katz4
All modern furniture designed by Stanislav Katz5

Modern furniture in condo designed by Anne Barrett

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Modern furniture in condo designed by  Anne Barrett 3
Modern furniture in condo designed by  Anne Barrett 5
Modern furniture in condo designed by  Anne Barrett
Modern furniture in condo designed by  Anne Barrett 4
Modern furniture in condo designed by  Anne Barrett 2

In this section poster want to dominate story about furniture than about condo itself but condo also describe in the end of this writing.furniture in this condo look simple and easy if we would like t looking for furniture there is no special side of furniture in this condo but designing furniture therefore become beautiful interior design become focus on designer.

Name: Anne Barrett and Todd Dundon, architects and owners of 30E Design
Location: Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts
Size: 1600 sq/ft 2 floor condo
Years lived in: 4
It wasn't long ago that we brought you into the unforgettable condo of Hannah Barrett and Laurel Sparks. We promised that we'd deliver you part 2 of this tour: the unit upstairs from Hannah and Laurel, designed and occupied by architects Anne Barrett and Todd Dundon. Anne and Todd, owners of 30e, a successful architecture and furniture design firm, infused their 2 story condo with a fabulous combination of modernity and reverence for the home's history...

When we photographed Anne and Todd's condo, we practically had to peel ourselves away because everywhere we turned there was another inspiring angle or detail we wanted to capture. (Suffice to say, it was very difficult to whittle the photos down to the 31 you'll see in the slideshow!)

Our favorite elements: The combination of dark wood floors and light, airy furnishings and decor; the ingenious screen divider made of vinyl records; the orange accent column/closet in the center of the open floor plan; the blending of vintage and modern furnishings, artwork, and decorations with the beautiful, classical elements of the condo like the crown molding and stunning staircase. Did we mention the fabulous artwork?.

So if you're looking for some dreamy inspiration, come inside to Anne and Todd's condo! (For more details about Anne and Todd's condo and the great backstory about their long distance gut renovation, check out this Boston Globe Magazine article

Shiro home by Takuya Hosokai

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Shiro by Takuya Mori Hosokai + Hiromasa
July 22, 2008 - Posted in Japan

Shiro home by Takuya Hosokai

"Shiro" by Takuya Hosokai + Hiromasa Mori Details:
Design / designers: 1980 / Takuya Hosokai + Hiromasa Mori
Location: city of Fukui, Fukui prefecture, Japan
Job: beauty salon
Built: Jun 2006
structure: Steel-frame buildings
Site area: 194.26 square meters | building area: 78.17 square meters | total area of the floor: 166.79 square meters

Shiro by Takuya Hosokai

A large building by Japanese architect named Shiro, which means White in the English language, Shiro is a hair beauty salon located in Fukui, Japan, made by the architect 1980/Takuya Hosokai + Hiromasa Mori.

Takuya Hosokai + Hiromasa Mori, Shiro

About the Architect "Takuya Hosokai":

- Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam

- National University of Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan
- M.E. in Architecture Design

- National University of Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan
- B.E. in Architecture Design

- Born in Niigata, Japan

Shiro, Takuya Hosokai & Hiromasa Mori

Besides simple, and very eye-catching look. Great outlined, not with the usual corner a little tension, and 'sharp' is sure to add meaning to their service hairdo! The building was completed in 2006 as a designer said.
if you following motorsport clik here:www.rejopot02.blogspot.com

Desain Arsitek Desain vs rumah

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Backrest's Pasal
Bangunan Rumah: Desain Arsitek Desain vs rumah

meninggalkan komentar »

Anda dapat mendasain rumah sebagai arsitek apapun baik dengan bantuan atau layanan Anda dapat menggunakan rumah desain (desain sendiri).

Berikut ini adalah beberapa poin pada beberapa keuntungan kerugian dari kedua ini:

1. Ekonomi: Desain rumah Anda sendiri tentu memiliki keuntungan ekonomi yang lebih dari Anda menggunakan jasa arsitek. Anda tidak perlu menyelam tas jika Anda lakukan arsitektur rumah mereka sendiri. Nilai ini tergantung pada keinginan yang akan dicapai.
2. Efisien dan praktis istilah: Desain layanan dengan arsitek telah dari segi praktis dan lebih efisien yang lebih desain Anda sendiri. Jika Anda tidak ingin repot, Anda dapat menggunakan layanan dari arsitektur. Mengingat membangun bangunan seperti ini memang pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh arsitek, maka anda dapat sekali dipercayakan kepadanya. Anda memberikan sebuah gambar hidup dan harapan yang Anda inginkan dengan lahan yang tersedia. Sisanya meninggalkan arsitek mendesainkannya untuk Anda. Apakah desain interior dan eksterior desain.
3. Persyaratan kreatifitas: Jika anda cukup memiliki kreativitas, ide-ide Anda, Anda dapat menuangkan dalam rancangan rencana Anda. Untuk Anda yang membuat Anda sendiri desain, kreativitas, dapat penuh dalam desain, Anda mencurahkan Anda sendiri atau di kolaborasikan dengan ide-ide dari keluarga yang membantu membangun rumah. Jika Anda menggunakan jasa arsitek, semua ide, Anda juga dapat anda tuangkan bersama dipadukan dengan ide-ide dari arsitek.

Ini adalah perlu diperhatikan dalam merancang, apakah desain interior atau luar rumah. Pertanyaannya kemudian adalah apa yang perlu desain? Apakah sulit, jika Anda desain sendiri? Lalu apa yang bisa anda dapatkan jika anda menggunakan jasa desain arsitek?

Hal ini hanya perlu desain?
Yang paling penting Anda desain gambar, lay out desain rumah (bangunan utama) dari kawasan. Gambar yang dirancang dan disesuaikan dengan kawasan. Anda juga perlu membuat skala yang sesuai yang akan dibangun jika diperlukan.

Jika Anda ingin desain yang lainnya juga dapat sekunder untuk bangunan juga dapat. Atau untuk desain eksterior, seperti desain taman, tata letak jalan, septic tank, perembesan air, desain kelistrikan, pembuangan air kotor dan air hujan, drainase dan sebagainya.

Apakah sulit, jika Anda desain sendiri?
Setiap orang akan jawaban ini berbeda. Tidak semua orang memiliki jawaban yang sama.

Jika Anda ingin desain Anda sendiri, Anda dapat menggunakan alat ini untuk membuat desain sendiri. Alat seperti Visio Technical atau semacamnya. Menggunakan alat ini sangat mudah untuk hidup sebagai drag and drop dalam lay out yang Anda lakukan. Jika Anda kontrol AutoCad, Anda pasti akan lebih mudah mendesainnya, karena alat ini dapat hingga desain 3-dimensi formulir.
Jika Anda lakukan arsitektur, desain sendiri, coba Anda perhatikan juga pengkondisian sirkulasi udara dan arah sinar masuk cahaya. Adalah penting bahwa Anda memiliki rumah dan sehat, dan udara segar dan bersih.

Lalu apa yang bisa anda dapatkan jika anda menggunakan jasa desain arsitek?
Jika Anda menggunakan jasa arsitek, utama kursus Anda ingin desain bangunan utama. Tentu saja, ini bukan yang paling penting? Selain itu, Anda dapat juga meminta merancang hal-hal seperti berikut:

* Desain atap (Jeluko)
* Desain posisi keseluruhan, termasuk rumah dan taman jalan
* Desain rumah tampil ke depan, samping, atas dan kembali
* Desain listrik, termasuk pengaturan lampu dan saklar
* Desain saluran air kotor dan air bersih.

Tentu saja, dengan semakin banyak desain yang Anda meminta arsitek akan lebih besar biaya untuk memproduksi juga.

Jadi intinya, Anda memilih desain atau desain arsitektur rumah. Semoga bermanfaat.


Temukan Desain Arsitektur, Desain Arsitektur, Desain Interior, Desain Eksterior, hanya di Bogor Bangunan Desain Arsitektur / Desain Arsitektur: Desain Interior & Bangunan Eksterior Bogor 88db.com

Ditulis oleh sayurbayam

November 28, 2008 di 3:07 pm

Katanya, beliau tidak pernah

Tagged with arsitek rumah, arsitektur rumah, desain rumah, interior rumah, renovasi rumah, desain modern, rumah lantai, kamar rumah, rumah gaya, sketsa rumah
you want read more clik here:http://backrest.wordpress.com/2008/11/28/membangun-rumah-desain-arsitek-vs-desain-rumahan-2/

Interior design and decoration finished floor - carpet

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Interior design and decoration finished floor - carpet
Posted by Aria at 6:21

How Carpet built

It is important to understand the two methods of carpet construction because of financial expenditure for the client and they will run out of questions about why cost more than the other? Why have a looser look, feel firmer, color etc?

Currently, most of the carpets produced by the manufacturer tufting method. It consists of hundreds of needle, thread the yarn through the backing (jute or Polypropylene), which form loops or tufts necessary for long.

Options and then depending on the type of machine to cut loops to form a cut pile tufted carpet or leave the loops to form a looped pile tufted carpet.

The backing is then given a layer of glue layer to improve the position in tufts; other backing layer is then added to keep power.

Axminster carpet

Carpet weaving on a traditional loom. And many of the type of engine called a fabric produced from them. Axminster, for example, different color tufts inserted in the weave from the top of the hill so that they ignite, but not running in the background. With this method, many colors can be used and most Axminster's patterned. Wilton is another example, it is the continuous weaving in and only a small part of the color can be used in the weaving machine. Dump the yarn colors that do not appear on the surface located on the back. This is a cut, cut and looped pile or looped. Patterned Wiltons is possible but at the end of the high quality and price range.

All have carpet backing cloth, yarn hill and at the same time, which means that the tufts remain in place. Weaving is a popular method for the production pattern. Tapestry generally slower than to create a tufted. In general, you can distinguish between the two review by the parties.

Second is the method of construction of high-quality, and your choice will be down to the view that you need.

Carpet can be done with other methods, knitting and bonding. Bond carpet, which was built by gluing tufts from the dump directly to the backing. Knitted carpets have a more complicated construction than the method Axminsters or Wiltons. Yarn and backing the pile with the method of achieving this.

The combination of research and development in the yarn and the engine is married with a specialist designer of textiles and consumer demand is creating a burgeoning new wave of innovative and creative text, style, color and pattern combinations.

Just when you think you've seen everything - the new range is released and open the door to select a new scheme and create a beautiful new environment. The most difficult job is to maintain the option! Overall primary is still valid and what you learn here is a good basis for appreciating the new products to come.

Architectaria - Architects and planners

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A new chair for the Switzerland by Martin Ballendat

Friday, November 28, 2008

A new chair for the Switzerland by Martin Ballendat
A new chair for the Switzerland by Martin Ballendat2
A new chair for the Switzerland by Martin Ballendat3
A new chair for the Switzerland by Martin Ballendat4

If you want look for a chair i sure this chair what you are look for in this era. German designer Martin Ballendat has designed a new chair for the Switzerland based furniture manufacturer Züco Bürositzmöbel.

What is striking about Züco’s new Ballendat-designed lounge chair is its futuristic design and its extravagant appearance. The seat surface, backrest, armrests and sub-frame follow a flowing, uninterrupted line and seamlessly come together to produce a single unit. The front and rear surfaces are oriented towards each other and create a sensuous geometry. Martin Ballendat’s emotional design really does capture the spirit of the times.

“The main objective when developing the product was to create a piece of furniture which is also a true showpiece,” said the designer. “In a world which is geared towards efficiency and economy, ‘Perillo’ offers a welcome and exciting contrast when compared to the sterile linearity of many modern buildings.”

Pair of Art Deco Benches ( France c 1930's )

Friday, November 28, 2008

I think these are beautiful.
They are soooo Palm Beach.

You just never know who's bottom sat on them.

I would sandblast them and leave them in a natural iron finish.

Imagine this pair of Art Deco Fireplace Benches recovered and sandblasted.

They would really be a show-stopper , and would enhance the fireplace as the focal point in a room.
Pair of fanciful wrought iron 1930's fireplace benches.

The motif depicts maidens dancing before the sun, while Pan plays his flute.

height: 40.64 cm (1 ft. 4 in.)
depth: 30.48 cm (12 1/2)
width/length: 106.68 cm (3 ft. 6 in.)

3700 South Dixie Highway #8
West Palm BeachFL, 33405
Phone: 561-832-4550

E-Mail: dolceantiques@bellsouth.net

( enlarge any picture for more info and a closer look )

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her blog of her Adventures in Design

Happy Thanksgiving

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone !

We have much to be thankful for in America. Thanksgiving is a time to reflect. This season is also a time of gratitude and renewal for our country. We've just elected a new President and although there is much adversity in the economy, there is much to be hopeful for. I've decided to embrace the message of hope this year and strive to bring out the best in others and myself. I believe we will again prosper as a nation but it won't be without sacrifice. There will be uncharted paths that must be taken and at times it may hurt but we will get there. When we do, we'll know what it looks like, feels like, we'll cherish it... hold on to it. I look forward to that.
The Best is Yet to Come.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

happy thanksgiving

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

: : Thanksgiving weekend has officially started. For .Iz. and I it means 4 days off together, nothing big planned, no big family gatherings, just time together at home. We'll attempt to re-upholster our couch [I'll share before and after pics], relax, hike, watch movies....but what we're most excited about is doing a lot of cooking. Thanksgiving is the holiday for enjoying food, but that doesn't mean turkey to us. We've got a lot of recipes on our list, I'd like to make Lena Corwin's delicious pumpkin cranberry bread again, and maybe some new recipes from the Jamie Oliver cookbook I got for my birthday. And the pumpkin gnocchi by .delicious days. sounds original and still appropriate for the season. We will also be testing some new drinks with our meals; caipirinha's are a family favorite, and the christmas caipirinha version in one of Bon Appetite's. latest issues sounds like an delicious variation. Happy eating!!

apoteket's mustard

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

: : every time I step into the Swedish pharmacy [apoteket] when I'm home, I'm impressed by their organization, layout and packaging graphics. No clutter, everything is simple, clean, easy to understand which creates a sense of calm.

I was not aware that in addition to selling ibuprofen and deodorant they also sell Christmas mustard presented in a package that is in line with the rest of their product offerings. The .apotek. experience is so much the very opposite of the CVS experience in America.

[via .below the clouds.]

{+} my sister got me the mustard for Christmas! Tack söta syster! It tasted delicious with the Christmas ham.

Swedish dancebands

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

: : Everyone seems to think these photos of .Swedish Dancebands. are hilarious. They came up in our lunch discussion at work and I had a friend email the link to me. Please don't let these photos influence your impression of Swedes! but hopefully they will make you laugh.

view more photos here (via .notcot.)

Bemelmans Bar

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Nowhere is the discreet charm of the bourgeoisie more palpable than in this bastion of post-war decadence: think white-jacket waiters, 24-karat gold leaf ceilings, and nickel-trimmed glass tables splayed around the ivories. Settle into a leather banquette and order something strong and adventurous—perhaps with champagne and cognac or fresh mint and muddled lemons. Murals of frolicking animals painted by bar namesake and former Carlyle Hotel resident Ludwig Bemelmans offer a whimsical counterpoint to what might otherwise be suffocating sophistication (and they repay a close viewing—can you spot the armed rabbit stalking its brethren'). Feel an extra boost knowing you're enjoying pretty much the same thing as the folks across the lobby at Café Carlyle, for a fraction of the cover. — Julie Mehta and Andrew Yamato

At 18 years old I moved to NYC and fell in love with it. I will always consider it my home.
I still am and regret my move to Florida , for the most part everyday since.
Except that I had my beautiful daughter in Florida.
I came to Florida for a mini winter vacation (while still living on E 58th. St), and I ran into my childhood sweetheart (we both grew up in Miami Beach on Palm Island – next to Star Island ) , we became inseparable, had a child, and the rest is ……

I never wanted to up-root her from her home town ( Boca Raton ). Her father and I are divorced. We remain very close friends today. But now, all these years later, she is in her 3rd year of college and I haven’t been able to move back.
I talk about it , think about it……
And given an opportunity , I would be back in a heart beat.

‘Andi ‘ is my daughter’s name, and
when she was 3, 4, 5, and 6 years old she
was obsessed with the children’s book Madeline. ( so was I )

She used to dance around on the cocktail table top singing the song from the story....

"I'm Madeline, I'm Madeline..... "

Which brings me back to the bar at The Carlyle Hotel,
and when I first moved to NYC. ……

I was married before I married my daughters father. I was very young, he was
11 years older, a doctor, "yada yada yada"

'The doctor' came to NYC and stayed at the Carlyle. It was there that I became engaged.
…….By Mistake .
What can I say ? I am Jewish from Miami Beach, I thought it was what I was supposed to do.

And here is how this all ties together; there are amazing murals at the Carlyle. One mural is in the Famous Carlyle Café where you can spend an evening with the likes of Bobby Short, Ertha Kitt, etc etc.

And the other ( and the subject of this post ) is in Bemelmans Bar.

In exchange for lodging, Ludwig Bemelmans painted murals of central park on the walls.
Hence , the name of the famous/landmark bar, Bemelmans Bar.

Just in case you've forgotten, Ludwig Bemelmans was the author and illustrator of the Madeline series of children's books .
He even put a group of the orphans in blue hats from the Madeline story in the mural .

I love that !!!

They offer a beautiful High Tea for the little ones
And someday maybe, I will take my grandchild there and bore her to death telling her Dorothy Draper stories, along with showing her fabric swatches and paint chips.

Madeline's Orphanage in Paris

Sites to go to :


Ludwig Bemelmans with his daughter Mimi and wife in Munich.

If you want to go, here is a map.

BTW, it just happens to in my favorite area in Manhattan.
I would just love to have my kitchen / family room painted with a mural just like this one..
Hmmmmmmmmmmm...great idea for a wallpaper.
It could be done,
because today you can get anything made.

( enlarge any picture for more info and a closer look )

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her blog of her Adventures in Design

These Four Walls

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Whenever I visit historic Richmond,VA I don't normally think of interior design other than southern traditional but now, I'm beginning to . While traveling with my husband on business and with lots of time on my hands I discovered the most wonderful shop you would love to find anywhere....it is, "These Four Walls". Located on E. Cary St. These Four Walls is the type of home furnishings store you would expect to see in a contemporary urban city. My perception of Richmond's design aesthetic is changing. This shop is more international than most. The owners are world travelers and I discovered beautiful cabinets and tables from India, Indonesia, Mexico and China. Many of the accessories are crafted by local artist. I found Indian pieces made of reclaimed wood and teak harvested responsibly from plantations. This store has a very earthy and organic feel. You don't have to decorate your entire space with imported or sustainable items but a few pieces in a room certainly add visual interest and an eco-consciousness to your decor..... Next time you're in Richmond, do stop by.

Rob Cline - Manager/Design Consultant

How Beautiful !

Love this painted distressed cabinet.

Can't you see this periwinkle settee in a foyer?

Red high gloss Mexican chairs are great with this colorful table.

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