Some artwork I did the other day..

I know this person only by the name of Fifilynn, but goodness, she has some great style! Check out the bubblechairs mounted to the ceiling. The flooring is pebble, the green, blue and orange color scheme is great, and I think that's a Jonathan Adler boob vase on the kitchen counter :O But I could be wrong.
Photo Credits: Moakidi, J.Winter, Thrift Store Addict, lazybone cafe,
Not just creatively, but emotionally as well.
I feel as though there is something in the wind....
and I am not sure if that wind will be a good one,
or a bad one when it finally blows through.
Enough about me ........let's get back to you.
I looked everywhere, and finally found this little gem of an idea/inspiration photo for you.
Is this not the best ??? This certainly looks and feels to me , like 'The Life Of Riley' for these two.
If you had banquette seating in your kitchen, and a beloved dog, would you want this in your house ?
I have done this for a client, it is not that costly if you have a Carpenter that you work closely with.
BTW - the seat cushion fabric is what I have on my kitchen chairs.
? The Life Of Riley :
Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....