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Interior Kitchen Design

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Modern Small Kitchen Designs

Interior Kitchen Design
Interior Kitchen Design
Interior Kitchen Design
Interior Kitchen Design
Interior Kitchen Design
Interior Kitchen Design
Interior Kitchen Design
Modern design small kitchen is clean and very simple. With modern design for your small kitchen, you can create a free flowing work space. Islands make up for lack of work space in several modern designs. In modern design, dishwasher and refrigerator are hidden under a panel that matches the rest of the cabinet. Not many small rooms in a modern design small kitchen is clean and very simple. With modern design for your small kitchen, you can create a free flowing work space. Islands make up for lack of work space in several modern designs. In modern design, dishwasher and refrigerator are hidden under a panel that matches the rest of the cabinet. Not many small rooms in a modern kitchen for the equipment too much. To help lift a small modern kitchen designs, you can add color. Color is a tool used by many interior designers.

Interior designers create the illusion of space with under cabinet lighting and under the table. The right lighting can make your kitchen larger and more interesting. Lighter colored cabinets with glass doors to create the impression that there was more space. Floor tiles can be placed diagonally. In a kitchen, the kitchen floor that is designed hardware can be used and still provide a large display room. If doing a small modern kitchen design and the desired island, it is best to double as a work space as well. There are designs that came to the island is already available and may suit your needs and preferences. Islands and provide a solution to the problem of space in your small kitchen.
for the equipment too much. To help lift a small modern kitchen designs, you can add color. Color is a tool used by many interior designers.

Interior designers create the illusion of space with under cabinet lighting and under the table. The right lighting can make your kitchen larger and more interesting. Lighter colored cabinets with glass doors to create the impression that there was more space. Floor tiles can be placed diagonally. In a kitchen, the kitchen floor that is designed hardware can be used and still provide a large display room. If doing a small modern kitchen design and the desired island, it is best to double as a work space as well. There are designs that came to the island is already available and may suit your needs and preferences. Islands and provide a solution to the problem of space in your small kitchen.


Saturday, July 31, 2010


Mas espacios exteriores griegos tan interesantes y personales  en las Cicladas.
El blanco perfecto, los accesorios, los muros de piedra combinados y las pergolas en maderas claras, son siempre el atributo que compone estos espacios arquitectonicos.



Saturday, July 31, 2010


Las piscinas de Phoenix y del rustico mexicano, estan totalmente integradas al medio.
Tienen un vinculo perfecto con su entorno, y eso las hace sumamente interesantes.

Tanto seducen estos diseños, que se repiten en otros sitios del Mundo, aunque el entorno sea diferente. Los materiales, las formas, y los accesorios son unicos, y caracteristicos.


Do You Have a Fly Swatter?

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Am I crazy to ask this question? Will I lose readers just at the thought of a squished fly on a swatter? (expecially since my friend Lisa reminded me a rolled up newspaper works great and can be thrown out.)
Well, I do have a fly swatter courtesy of attending a really fun wedding at a farm in central New York. As you can see, the handle notes the wedding date.
It came with a cute and creative poem -
Mike and Adrienne wanted to get married on a farm because of the memories and all the country charm. They were worried the flies would annoy their guests so use this fly swatter to put a few to rest!
(p.s. the marks on the poem sticker are not from flies!)

In the D.C. area, flies really aren't a problem and we rarely have them. My fly swatter is tucked away in a hidden area - typically used only when a wasp or bee somehow finds its way in.

As a kid we had a fly swatter hanging up in discrete area off our kitchen. We had no air conditioning and alot of flies that were quite crafty at flying in when we were going in or out the door. Although instead of the swatter we much preferred the entertainment of watching my Dad catch flies in mid-air with his hands!

Here's a Daisy fly swatter from etsy - here.
This etsy Flip-flop fly swatter is fun. The fly is fake. ( here)

So, was this question too crazy or is there a fly swatter somewhere in your house, on your porch or cabin in the woods? Note: no actual flies were harmed in the making of this post.

Do You Have a Fly Swatter?

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Am I crazy to ask this question? Will I lose readers just at the thought of a squished fly on a swatter? (expecially since my friend Lisa reminded me a rolled up newspaper works great and can be thrown out.)
Well, I do have a fly swatter courtesy of attending a really fun wedding at a farm in central New York. As you can see, the handle notes the wedding date.
It came with a cute and creative poem -
Mike and Adrienne wanted to get married on a farm because of the memories and all the country charm. They were worried the flies would annoy their guests so use this fly swatter to put a few to rest!
(p.s. the marks on the poem sticker are not from flies!)

In the D.C. area, flies really aren't a problem and we rarely have them. My fly swatter is tucked away in a hidden area - typically used only when a wasp or bee somehow finds its way in.

As a kid we had a fly swatter hanging up in discrete area off our kitchen. We had no air conditioning and alot of flies that were quite crafty at flying in when we were going in or out the door. Although instead of the swatter we much preferred the entertainment of watching my Dad catch flies in mid-air with his hands!

Here's a Daisy fly swatter from etsy - here.
This etsy Flip-flop fly swatter is fun. The fly is fake. ( here)

So, was this question too crazy or is there a fly swatter somewhere in your house, on your porch or cabin in the woods? Note: no actual flies were harmed in the making of this post.


Friday, July 30, 2010


El estilo rustico suizo se caracteriza por maderas muy oscuras y gruesas secciones, pero hay un estilo mas actual, que se aliviana visualmente, por maderas mas claras, y una mayor cantidad de luz en los ambientes.

Aunque se siguen utilizando mobiliarios antiguos, alfombras clasicas, y pocos colores.
Todos estos interiores guardan la sobriedad de los clasicos interiores suizos.



Friday, July 30, 2010


El estilo rustico es especial, tiene una calidez y un romanticismo que pocos estilos tienen.
Los rincones son sitios especiales, guardan elementos interesantes y momentos para recordar.

Una canasta, una vela, un libro, una caja, una planta, una jaula o un cuadro, todo vale al momento de crear un espacio propio, con gusto personal.


Escritorios que no ocupan espacio : son plegables

Friday, July 30, 2010

Debido a la necesidad de espacio en una casa para estudiar o trabajar, surge este escritorio plegable de pared para los que trabajan en casa a diario, y no suelen tener una habitación acondicionada para ello: Solutions una empresa dedicada a la venta de mobiliario ha pensado especialmente en este mueble que ahorra espacio, de diseño clásico y estilo sobrio.

Otro similar es el Vurv mucho más moderno. La mayor ventaja de este mueble es que no ocupa superficie en suelo y cubre simplemente una pequeña zona en la pared a media altura, que es habitual que nos sobre.
El inconveniente, en ambos es el tamaño de la superficie útil no muy espaciosa para trabajar cómodamente.Este tipo de escritorios suelen ser delicados y no se puede hacer sobre ellos mucha fuerza, además en el caso del de Vurv, también es el precio, al ser una pieza de diseño vale más de mil euros, y el de Solutions cuesta poco más de cien
Este escritorio de Vurv Design Studio está diseñado para ser usado mientras está de pie , funcionando como un catch-all o clasificador de correo!

Fotos de dormitorios italianos Colombini

Friday, July 30, 2010

Fotos de dormitorios de estilo italiano Colombini muy modernos y de magnificos diseños . Los colores se han mezclado a la perfección, son amplios y elegantes

Decore su sala al estilo Feng Shui

Friday, July 30, 2010

Más allá de las religiones y creencias, hay algunas simples reglas en Feng Shui que permiten crear ambientes armoniosos y con una energía particular. Por este camino se trata de alcanzar un equilibrio mediante la combinación de colores, números,símbolos y los cinco elementos tradicionales: fuego, metal, tierra, agua y madera.

El principio del color esta directamente asociado con el principio de los cinco elementos. Cada color tiene una energía determinada:

La madera se relaciona con el verde. Promete paz y prosperidad.
El Fuego con el rojo. Se asocia a la felicidad y la prosperidad.
La Tierra con el amarillo. Significa autoridad y alegría
El Metal con el color blanco de la pureza.
Al agua le corresponde el negro pues se asocia con la profundidad.
El dorado es un color apreciado por todas las culturas al representar la riqueza en China, combinado con rojo se lo relaciona con la suerte y la abundancia.
La puerta de entrada del hogar es uno de los puntos claves. Un aspecto importante al momento de la construcción y la decoración Feng Shui es que la puerta no debe ser pequeña, ya que por allí ingresa la energía al hogar.

La distribución de los muebles debe considerarse de tal modo que nada obstaculice el pasaje, ya que la energía debe ingresar libremente y no debe haber nada que bloquee la libre circulación. El ambiente debe ser claro, luminoso y alegre. El color de las paredes, la tapicería, los detalles u obras de arte son el complemento ideal para lograr el equilibrio de los elementos


Si al entrar en tu casa te sientes lleno de amor, paz interior y pensamientos positivos, NINGUNA ENERGIA NEGATIVA LOGRARA PENETRAR EN TU CASA Y SOLAMENTE ENTRARAN ENERGIAS POSITIVAS.

Hanging Pillows and Cushions

Friday, July 30, 2010


The cushioned banquette in the image below divides the kitchen from the eating area. Very clever idea, don't you think? But what really drew my attention in this image was the back cushion. Notice how rather than upholstering the back of the bench, they've hung a cushion from pegs?

myhomeideas Photo: Deborah Whitlaw Llewellyn

A few things that could make this a great idea to copy:

  • If the fabric gets soiled (which can easily happen in any eating area), it can just be removed and cleaned (assuming they've made it with a zipper so that it can be removed).
  • When you're tired of the fabric, just make a new cushion cover - no reupholstery required.
  • It's unique and creates a different look than the expected upholstered back.
  • The use of hooks would keep them in place a little more easily than just ordinary cushions or pillows.

In this Coastal Living Idea House, they used 3 twin size mattresses and fabric covered panels to create the daybeds in this sleeping porch. They do call them "hanging bed cushions", but in the image they almost appear to be attached to the wall, possibly with velcro strips or something similar? Just guessing, but it seems like that would be an additional solution to keep them from shifting around.

Coastal Living Photo: Tria Giovan

If pillows are more your style, Martha Stewart shows you to to make these hanging pillows.

What do you think? Is this an idea you would use?

Happy weekend...

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