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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

So with the move fast approaching I've had some time to think. Think about the past, the future and the present.

My husband and I move so much it's become second nature to us, we're pros at it now. He works in an industry that is in a constant state of change and either you change with it or get left behind. I love him very much and am happy to go along for the ride.

I've moved a quite a bit my entire life (and no, no one is in the military). I feel because of it I've learned how to roll with the punches and have become adept at having the rug pulled out from under me.

I do not want to leave California, I really do love it here, I have friends here and my business had grown here, even the cat likes it here. I'm especially apprehensive about leaving California for a place I've already lived in. I love to visit Seattle my best friend is there, my family is there. I just don't want to live there.

I know it's not permanent, nothing is.

However I am thrilled to be getting a new place. We've lived in this studio, all 583 sq ft of it, for over two years now and it's time to move on. Before my husband got promoted we were looking at larger places here.

I think it will be a shock to us to go from one room two a 3 bedroom home with a basement. I have no idea how we'll fill it all up...wait yes I do me!

I'm so excited to be able to look at furniture and not have to think "what will I get rid of so I can get this?" or "where on earth will I put it?".

I will have tons of space for stuff and even a space to do large projects. Right now the kitchen table is my office, I sew here, package orders here, print labels here and list them on etsy here. In the new place I will have my own office. Let me say that again...
I will have my own office.

I can't even comprehend that right now.
Along with everyone having their own space to work, we'll also have room for guests, an actual bedroom with a real door, a basement for projects, a washer and dryer and so on and so on but also a new blank canvas for me to put a stamp on.

The thought of moving is sad, yes but the thought of a blank space for me to do whatever I want to (within reason we are renting it) makes me giddy. I can't wait for that and I can't wait to share it with you.

I'm moving the first week in January and I do have some guest bloggers filling in but just like my cell phone, coverage may be spotty, so bear with me.


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