Decor Pad |
I often get questions from customers about using mirrors in their decorating schemes. Mirrors are a great way to enlarge a room, make it brighter, and add an element of interest. Don't be afraid to use more than one in a room. Here are a few ideas and tips for accessorizing with mirrors.
Traditional Home |
Probably the most important thing to remember when deciding to use a mirror on a wall is the reflection. Make sure your mirror reflects a beautiful scene, piece of artwork, decorative accessories or furniture. Many times people place mirrors over fireplaces only to reflect a ceiling fan. In the picture below notice the beautiful reflection of this kitchen and how the mirror enlarges the space.
Decor Pad |
Lean a mirror against a wall for a more informal look and to add a dimension of interest. It’s less work and allows you to move the mirror around if needed. You can also layer the leaned mirrors for a different look.
Decor Pad |
Decor Pad |
Another neat idea is to place a mirror on a dining table as part of the centerpiece. Imagine the look when you turn on your chandelier! I’ve even seen a small rectangular-framed mirror on a coffee table with an accessory on top of it. You now have another area that reflects light.
Real Simple |
I’ve always hated those frameless mirrors that builders sometimes use in bathrooms. They are so boring. I have changed mine out for a regular framed mirror and love the way it looks with my new light fixture. Instant pizzazz! The round mirror introduces a new shape. Take a look at my new bathroom mirror below and another picture of a mirror placed in the corner of a tiny bathroom – really unexpected.
Replaced Mirror in My Bathroom |
Decor Pad |
The matching mirrors, animal print wallpaper, buck’s head and leather chairs in the picture below create a dramatic setting. Notice all of the symmetry. |
Houzz |
We often create picture groupings to enhance our walls. Why not try a collection of mirrors of different shapes which will reflect light, and create interest. I once saw a picture of a wall outside a bathroom that had a collection of hand-held mirrors covering the entire wall. What a conversation piece!
Decor Pad |
When using mirrors over a piece of furniture either alone or as part of a grouping, always ensure that you cover two-thirds of the space on the wall above the mantle or furniture. The mirror over this bed is lost. It needs to be larger. In most cases, a mirror should be hung four to seven inches above furniture or a mantle.
House Beautiful |
"The eyes are the mirror of the soul." - Yiddish Proverb