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The New Look Everyone's Talking About

Monday, August 31, 2009

If you haven't heard about Restoration Hardware's new look, then you haven't been reading many blogs! The blogworld is abuzz with it, so I thought I would just share my favorite room rather than boring you with a lot of photos you may have already seen. This is not a look that I currently have in my own home (although I may have to figure out a way to sneak it in) but, as with so many styles, I do love it. Simple and serene with loads of texture.

Another thing that I like about their new look is that if you can't afford their prices, many aspects could be replicated fairly easily on a smaller budget!

Does A Beautiful Office Make You Think Better?

Monday, August 31, 2009

I'm certain no one could deny this. Imagine a place like this waiting for you every Monday morning:)
(Office of Orla Kiely, found via Uppercase Tumblr)

Mudroom/Laundry Bench Remix Progress

Monday, August 31, 2009

Yep. I'm working on it. I know. It must be really difficult to keep up with the speedy progress I'm making! I started on this project on June 28th and I'm ALREADY priming the pieces today! :-)

Could that be the reason for the slightly raised eyebrow and smirk from my husband when he said, "what are you doing?" and I responded "working on my mudroom bench"? I don't have any excuse for not working on it really except that summer was busy and I hate sanding.

I actually enjoy painting, which is the next step, so that should go well. After that I need to get my hubby involved with some power tools so it will depend on his schedule.

I think it's going to actually end up to be a pretty cool bench so I can't wait to share it with you. When do you think that will be? :-)

Hope you're having a great day!

Divine Chairs

Sunday, August 30, 2009

I ran across this chair company in a post somewhere and saved it. Now I can't remember who originally did a post about it (sorry!).

The chairs are from The Divine Chair Company. I have no idea how much they cost but their website says that their aim is "to provide fabulous and affordable furniture to people who appreciate individuality and style". What really drew me to them was their individuality, spunk and whimsicality. I wouldn't want a room full of them, but as a statement piece they would be fun!

How about you? Favorites? Thoughts?

attic1 Home Improvement

Sunday, August 30, 2009

How to convert a loft

attic1 Home Improvement

Image: a. Murray Construction

Remodeling your attic, you can earn some extra living square footage, you can use for a home office, bedroom, playroom for children, and even a bathroom. What was considered a storage space can now increase the comfort of your home and area.

Firstly it is necessary to consult a specialist to see if your attic is suitable for renovation. Is it structurally sound? Does the home electrical system, water lines and units of air conditioning can reconfigure the attic?

The second thing you must do is set a budget. Consider a realistic amount of go into this business, the money spent must be at least equal to the benefits you get from remodeling the attic.

Make a list of supplies you'll need, including price, comply with the budget.

attic2 Home Improvement

Image: apartment therapy

Watch the walls of your attic. Do they need editing? If yes, then think of drywall or paneling. Advantages and disadvantages: drywall - cheaper, but requires more work woodwork - more expensive than drywall, but easier to install.

What speech? Usually the floor is determined by object part. If you decide to use your old attic room or new games for children, the carpet is the best choice. For a home office or a hardwood floor guest room is perfect. Although more expensive, it is durable and will repay on time.

Furniture: choosing furniture for your newly renovated attic is not a big deal is like furnishing a room with the same goal on the lower levels. However, there is something you should consider - the roof. It comes in different shapes and tastes, so keep in mind.

attic3 Home Improvement
learen more clik://www.homedesignfind.com/home-improvement/how-to-convert-an-attic/

Waterstudio1 green

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dutch Waterstudios Rise Along sea level

Waterstudio1 green
Here's a look at housing in the future. Do not run the risk of catastrophic damage as a change in sea level, just design housing that floats. Waterstudio designer Koen Olthius from Holland, where the management level of the sea for centuries thought of him. He came with a very innovative ideas. All swam residential complex.

Waterstudio4 green
His solution is prefabricated modules for the entire town of floating roads and 60 luxury apartments with parking. Units will be built on a small area, which makes the apartment complex to reach the density of 30 units per acre of water. Outside each apartment is a terrace garden and the complex will include greenhouses.

Waterstudio21 green
From within each apartment, there are views of the water. But it's not just looks. Cool water from the depths of the lake, which will be used to cool the interior temperature of the complex, which helps to save up to 25% more energy than conventional buildings on the land.

Waterstudio3 green
World's first floating apartment complex, stronghold, makes it possible to live on the water and use it for energy, as well.

Via Eco Friend

Cambia la decoración de tu casa

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Puedes darle un aire nuevo a tu casa, lo podrás conseguir muy fácilmente retapizando los sofás, cambiando las cortinas, añadiendo notas de color, decorando los armarios o empapelando una pared.

Empapelar la pared

El simple hecho de empapelar solo la pared del cabecero, ya cambia la imagen de un dormitorio. Hay muchos papeles pintados para elegir: lisos, con textura, emitando tejidos, estampados, de rayas… Para unificar papel y pintura, remata su unión al techo con una cenefa, a modo de moldura.

Renovar alfombras

Es una de las fórmulas más fáciles de renovar el salón, ya sea lisa o estampada. Si la eliges estampada, toda la atención se centrará en ella. Pero cuida de que sus colores coordinen con las tapicerías, las cortinas o los cojines, y ten en cuenta que los tonos beis, amarillos y blancos dan amplitud y luminosidad.

Toque de color

En el cuarto de los niños, en lugar de cambiar el color de la pared, pon unos estores de fibras naturales pintados de un color atrevido. Si los colocas en cada hoja además ganarás espacio. Para integrarlos en la decoración, pinta a juego algún mueble y coordina la ropa de cama y los cojines.

Moderniza tus ventanas con estores

Sustituye las antiguas cortinas por unos ligeros estores de lino para ganar luminosidad.

Cambia el tapiz de tus muebles

Esta fórmula resulta efectiva siempre. No sólo cambias la imagen del mueble, también el espacio al que va destinado

Delicious Pattern.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Pattern on pattern and texture upon texture! Wow!!!!
(From The Sartorialist, of course)

Use A Feather

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Feathers have embellished our surroundings for centuries, including what we wear.
Nobody wears feathers like Cher, no?
Feathers are glamorous.
Fabulous really.

Below a picture taken from from my design website,
I have two tall matching floral arrangements on either side of an elevator door and on the very top are feathers.

*And for those of us who suffer from perfectionism, I suggest using a feather when beating yourself up for not doing something perfectly!
This SOFT feather will do just fine.

Feather trims for pillows, floral arrangements, even on a sofa instead of bullion fringe.
Yes, sewn into upholstery. It is wild and beautiful if done in a way that you have to look twice to realize it is trimmed in feathers. Not too outrageous, just a tiny 'pop' that is a quiet 'wow factor'.

* to get feather trim go this site- click here

Where to get the tall plumes 15 to 40 inches
(they are actually wing feathers) click here

Have a nice weekend...........love to all my friends and supporters!!


It is Saturday for me today, which means 'retail hell'.....I am off to work.

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....
Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Design Sources, Window Treatments, Custom Design, Paint, Color Coordination, Online Interior Design, Floor Plans, All Custom


VIP Living Room Design

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Modern Room Interior

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Modern Kitchen Interior Design

Saturday, August 29, 2009

White Interior Design Inspiration : Long Island White Castle

Saturday, August 29, 2009

A castle is not exactly my dream home decorator and if you only add white and black, then it's worse. But there is something about the White Castle and I’m not sure what.

Believe me I’ve been looking at these pictures for over an hour now and it’s somehow addictive. Designed by architect Steve Blatz for a private art dealer - Olivier Renaud-Clément - the 1,500-square-foot immaculate city loft was intended to showcase his collection of art & Italian design from the 60s and 70s.

The clean sharp shapes, the mixture between a highly modern architecture and the best bush furniture collection, the no-doors living space plus the monochromatic scheme really appeal to me.

wedding inspiration

Friday, August 28, 2009

: : I promise you that the blog will not be turned into a wedding blog as we start to plan our upcoming wedding in Sweden. but I just wanted to share my current favorite wedding blog
.once wed. They have so many beautiful inspiring real wedding photos. above are some of my absolute favorites. enjoy!

happy weekend!

HomeGoods (Chance to win $5,000 shopping spree!)

Friday, August 28, 2009

All images in this post are from HomeGoods

I went shopping yesterday at one of my favorite stores, HomeGoods. There are a couple of things that make this store high on my list of favorites. First are the reasonable prices (you may remember this post where I talked about the HomeGoods folding screen that I purchased for $90, which I have since seen at a couple of places for hundreds more!)

The second thing that I love about this store is that the inventory is constantly turning so you never know what you might stumble upon. Even though I didn't find the specific item I needed for the project I'm working on, it didn't matter because I was just loving looking at all of the new things that they had gotten in since the last time I was there. So many things I would have loved to have designed a room around!

I guess I should have actually said that there are THREE things I love about HomeGoods because I love the fact that they are currently offering a chance to win a Gift Card in their daily giveaway and a $5,000 HomeGoods shopping spree in their weekly drawing! You can do this by participating in their HomeGoods StyleScope. This is a quick online quiz to help you analyze your style. I took it and, while I normally don't put a lot of stock in these quizzes, I would say a good portion of the description was accurate (I would not describe my style* as dramatic modern, however). Here's how they describe my style:
(*Editors Note: One of the issues I had initially in taking this test was choosing a room, because I didn't feel that any of the rooms exactly encompassed my style (if my friends are reading this they're laughing right now because that is so "me"!). Also I was torn between all of the styles that I love (one of the hazards of being a decorator) and the way that I currently live. I took the test again and chose a room that more closely reflects how we live, which led to a different choice in accessories. My style was then defined as Earthy Casual. My husband is Earthy Casual all the way and I would say many aspects of that style also define me. A combination of Earthy Casual and Dramatic Modern? :-))
You keep up with culture, style, and trends, but have a classical appreciation for beautiful forms and well-made, functional objects. You are inspired by good design and quality craftsmanship, but have a sense of the theatrical and the fun. You liven things up and infuse personality into your rooms. You like how something ornate mixes with modern, or how daring flourishes, like bold color or a wild pattern, can inject some humor and contrast to the serious, straight lines of modern pieces. You are a style leader, and your friends look to you for advice. You are not afraid of glamour. Because you embrace color, art, and elegance, your home makes a happy impact.

You value serenity. While there are probably a lot of interesting things in your home, they are joined by your taste or a certain palette that keeps them in harmony. You appreciate the beauty in simple forms. Whether fancy or plain, you appreciate things that are well made and function as well as they look. You also have a strong respect for the environment and craftsmanship. You care about how things are made, and how they are used.

Click below to go to the site and take the quiz for yourself! I would be interested to know what your style is. Also, don't forget to enter for the free gift card and shopping spree!

To see what others are hooked on, check out Julia's Hooked on Fridays...

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